75 Gallon Lighting


Hello all,
I have a 75 gallon 48" long and I have a lighting question. I realize that this has been discussed ad nasuem on here but I was hoping to get a nice condensed discussion about my particular setup. Currently I have two 48" PC fixtures with 4 bulbs each and reflectors that were given to me with my setup. Each fixture has 2 65W actinics and 2 65W 10000k whites. I just looked into buying new bulbs for the first time and I'm a bit shocked to find out that I need almost $250 worth of bulbs. It wouldn't bother me if there was some longevity but I've read from a few people on here that they need to be replaced every 6 months. Is that true? Should I put the $250 towards something better? If I upgrade I would be looking at either T-5 or Metal Halides and really need suggestions on which fixtures to consider. I want to be able to keep any type of reef creature and I don't want to spend money on a light that may limit me in the future. If I upgrade I also want a fixture with built in moon lighting because I want a setup that will last me a long time. Please forward questions and post all your opinions so that this newbie can avoid making a dumb decision. I also don't want to buy a chiller just yet so please keep heat in mind when making your suggestions.


if you're going to spend that much money you might as well think about upgrading your lighting. You can probably sell what you have to help offset the costs a little bit. I'm currently run 2x175 MH with 10k bulbs and everything is doing great. I keep SPS and they're growing good.
If you have a little building skill you should think about building a canopy so you can save money and customize to exactly what you need. If money is not an issue personally (what i'm actually hoping to do for my 75 sometime) I'd go with two 250w MH HQI retrofit kits with two T-5 retros for Actinics and some type of moon light fixture. I've calculated it out for what i want and it comes to about $600 with bulbs. I like a crisp white tank for the most part. you can dump the t-5s if you're planning on 15k or higher K bulbs on the MH.


ZeroC thanks for the advice. I would be interested to see your plans. I've been doing some reading and I'm leaning towards the Sunlight Supply Tek T5 fixtures. I was thinking about the 48" 8x54W setup. Is that overkill for my 75g? Does anyone have a compelling argument why I won't be happy with this decision in a few months. A key feature for me is not to limit myself down the road. I want my setup to be able to grow with my knowledge of the hobby.


Active Member
IMO 6 should be enough for pretty much anything. I don't know if I'd say 8 would be overkill, but it's a lot of light. You could try the 8-bulb, and if it seems like things are getting burnt, replace some bulbs with lower par bulbs like actinics.
But like I said before, 6 should be plenty.


What do people think of $390 for the tek t5 8x54W shipped with tank mounting bracket? I it doesn't have bulbs but I think I can find some somewhere that will still make it cost effective. Can I run the fixture with only 6 bulbs and add two more later if I decide I need them?


There is a vendor on the large bid site that sells pc bulbs for alot cheaper. I have heard they are very bright but have not used them personally. Do a search.
I am not forsure if pc lighting would be enough to keep anything you want though.
T5 would be your best bet as far as bulbs lasting longer, more energy efficent, and they also won't heat the tank up.
From what I have read halides look the best. There is a fixture that you could buy that would have 2x150watt HQI halides and 18 LED lunar lights for around 500 dollars made by current. Could get it for less if you shop around. Maybe somebody would chime in on this fixture.


i started my reef with 6T5s i couldnt keep anything but zoos and star polyps, they are very bright yes but for growing i would go with 4 VHOs which are good for a year, right now i have 2 150 watt MH 10ks, and 2 96 watt PCs 03s i wish i would have went with VHOs, VHOs will grow anything you want them to and will not burn anything, and have a much better USEABLE light source than T5s...the quility of light from bulbs gose T5s, PCs, VHOs, and then MH..i say you would be hurting yourself by buing T5s


Originally Posted by reefmate75
i started my reef with 6T5s i couldnt keep anything but zoos and star polyps, they are very bright yes but for growing i would go with 4 VHOs which are good for a year, right now i have 2 150 watt MH 10ks, and 2 96 watt PCs 03s i wish i would have went with VHOs, VHOs will grow anything you want them to and will not burn anything, and have a much better USEABLE light source than T5s...the quility of light from bulbs gose T5s, PCs, VHOs, and then MH..i say you would be hurting yourself by buing T5s
Are you saying t5's are the worst thing you can buy? Even PC's are better than them. Do you have any evidence that could prove this because it is not what I have been reading.


I am using an Aquactinics T5 on my 48"-75G reef. I keep softies, LPS and SPS and everything is thriving.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mchabot
What do people think of $390 for the tek t5 8x54W shipped with tank mounting bracket? I it doesn't have bulbs but I think I can find some somewhere that will still make it cost effective. Can I run the fixture with only 6 bulbs and add two more later if I decide I need them?
That sounds like a pretty good price for that light. I have the TEK 6 bulb fixture on my 75 and I love it. The 8 bulb might overhang the tank on the front and back though since mine only gives me about an inch on either side of extra room. Right now I am keeping softies, mushrooms and LPS. Havent made the jump to SPS yet but I know the light can handle them.


yeah a tek 8 bulbs fixture will over hang a 75 gallon just the fixture part though, i think all the bulbs would be over the water. try to look at setups in person before you make a decision. If you can find someone running MH and someone just running T-5. you can see what you like. Personally I light the look of the MH because of the shimmers it makes in the tank. Also if you're like me and plan one getting a bigger tank why get a light setup you can't use on your next tank.


I was measuring today and it looks like if I go with the 8 bulb tek I won't have room for lunar lights. What do people think about lunar lights? Can anyone email or PM me with a list of places that have good deals on these fixtures and bulbs? I'm going to go to my LFS tomorrow to look at different setups to get a better idea of what I like.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefmate75
i started my reef with 6T5s i couldnt keep anything but zoos and star polyps, they are very bright yes but for growing i would go with 4 VHOs which are good for a year, right now i have 2 150 watt MH 10ks, and 2 96 watt PCs 03s i wish i would have went with VHOs, VHOs will grow anything you want them to and will not burn anything, and have a much better USEABLE light source than T5s...the quility of light from bulbs gose T5s, PCs, VHOs, and then MH..i say you would be hurting yourself by buing T5s
You obviously haven't seen any of the PAR numbers that T5 pump out. Most European aquarists have been using T5 more than halides and their tanks are just stunning. Look at the October TOTM on -- and tell me his coral aren't growing under T5.


It looks like right now I'm going to go with a 6 or 8 bulb tek fixture. Thanks everyone for sharing the information. Now I would like to hear what people think about types of bulbs, I was thinking a mix of 11,000K/actinic mix (like 60% white, 40% actinic) with some pure actinic. Please share any thoughts you have on ratios and spectrum information. Also please email or PM me with any information you have about deals on bulbs or fixtures. Is it possible to run 6 lights in the 8 light fixture and add the other two later if I decide I want more light?


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefmate75
i started my reef with 6T5s i couldnt keep anything but zoos and star polyps, they are very bright yes but for growing i would go with 4 VHOs which are good for a year, right now i have 2 150 watt MH 10ks, and 2 96 watt PCs 03s i wish i would have went with VHOs, VHOs will grow anything you want them to and will not burn anything, and have a much better USEABLE light source than T5s...the quility of light from bulbs gose T5s, PCs, VHOs, and then MH..i say you would be hurting yourself by buing T5s
I dont think this is even remotely correct. I've got 6x54 watts of T5 on my 75 and I am very succesfully keeping softies and LPS right now. I know I can keep SPS as well but I have not taken the plunge on the expensive corals yet. I'm guessing that the T5s that you had did not have individual reflectors. Even if they didnt though they should still have been just as good as power compacts.


yes you can run 6 bulbs in a 8 bulb fixture. in the end i'd go with 6 10ks and two actinics. or even 5 10k, a 50/50 and two actinics. Just my opinion.


I'm looking at getting 6 bulbs for the Tek, right now I want to go with D-D Giesemann since they seem to have a good reputation, I was thinking of 3 Midday, 2 aquablue+ (60:40 combination of 6000K and 22000K), and 1 pure actinic. Any thoughts on this setup? Suggestions? Should I just stop being a wuss and buy all 8 bulbs? Also I currently have a glass cover on my tank, (one of the split hinged ones that sits flat), should I remove that when I start this new light? I've heard from some people that it affects the spectrum.