75 gallon oceanic complete reef tank for sale, Oklahoma


Well, I'm moving to Japan in march, and up for sale is a 75 gallon full on reef tank. I am not selling quite yet, i have to wait for confirmation of my job in Japan which is happening in about a month, but, I would still like to let everyone know that this will most likely sell, and give you guys a little time to save up if you are interested.
Tank: Oceanic, 75 gallon reef ready tank
Lights: 400 watts VHO
pumps: 2x Mag 7s, 2 penguin 330s, 1 maxijet 1200
Plumbing: 2 SCWDs, one goes to two lock line spouts, one is PVC with two outlets.
Skimmer: Aqua C remora Pro w/Majijet 1200
Stand and Canopy: oceanic, cherry wood (i think, it's a burgundy wood).
approx. 100 lbs live rock, 75 lbs live sand
1 small false percula
1 large Clarkii Clownfish,
1 Foxface Rabbitfish
1 Lawnmower blenny
3 engineer gobies (full grown)
3 LARGE blue green chromis
1 Halichoeres melanurus (hoeven's wrasse, pinstripe wrasse) GORGEOUS!
1 Royal Gramma
1 serpent starfish
1 coral banded shrimp
several nassarius snails
several blueleg, red leg, and zebra hermit crabs
a few turbo snails
10-15 XL mushrooms (purple/red, flouresce green)
200+ zoos, various colors
50 plus button polyps
1x Short tentacle plate coral
a few pink star polyps
This tank is over one year old and is very stable. I have only lost one fish in the year i had this tank, and that was a six line wrasse that didn't eat for a while.
I've had no outbreaks, and no real problems. This tank is well taken care of and is a beautiful saltwater community tank and all members get along great.
Feel free to e-mail me at danny(.a)strangesea.com with any questions but don't forget to replace the (.a) with an @ sign.
I also have for sale and can sell immediately,
1 175watt metal halide 200 watt VHO fixture with ballasts and chains for hanging on the ceiling. (36 inches long)
it's a bit large and won't fit under the canopy of my 75 gallon which is why i don't use it.
1 overflow box
1 29 gallon FW setup, 4 african cichlids, penguin emperor 400
I'll post more pix a little later, heres the only recent one i can find for now.


Sorry I won't ship for the same reason I'm selling it on SWF.com, I care too much about the fish to put it in the newspaper for someone who's uneducated. and I care too much about the fish than to ship them. I won't find out for sure if the system is for sale for another week yet, but when i do decide to sell it for sure, I will list it here so you guys know.
I wonder what the aquarium scene is like in japan? I wonder if they have nanocubes for sale cause if they do i want to get one over there.
Oh, and tomorrow I will check around and see what i want to charge for the lights and overflow box.


Active Member
hey, how much are you asking for the 75, will you part out twith the coral, also what are thedementions


Update, EVERYTHING is available still, i didn't get the job in japan, but i DID get the job in Hawaii and i'm selling my house already. I will take local pickup and i will ship the hardware, but not the livestock.
Still would rather not part anything else.
Also available, 29 gal cichlid tank with emporer 400 filter and stand, some big rocks, fake plants, black BG, Normal lights and a big driftwood thing. 4 fish, 150 bucks (more than the tank iself!)


I am interested in some of the livestock. Have a 65g setup that is justs waiting on some of the little fellows. Do you have any idea what your asking price is going to be? Drop me a line at jvandyou@cox.net. Thanks!


Sorry, overflow box is broken (oops)
the MH fixture UPS ground to PA is something like 26.55 USD, packaging (I will have it professionally packed so they lights don't break) somethingl ike 20 bucks. Lets go ahead and call it $225.00 shipped anywhere in continental US.
Bulbs are used for around 1 and a half months but are about a year old.
And I really would rather not break this up. I can't house these guys without their stuff.
But if it came down to it, the live stock i would sell probably 10 dollars each or so.
Live rock 4 bucks #
Sand Free
Tank itself plus stand cap and sump and plumbing $1,000
Lights $200
Skimmer $125
mag 7's $40 each
SCWD $25 each
this will come with a bunch of various chemicals.
Oh, if you buy the tank I will throw in like 10 5gallon water jugs.


I'd like your engineer gobies. one of my pair died and would like to get the other one some friends.