75 gallon Oceanic setup in DFW, Texas: Everything you need to get started


Possibly selling a 75 gallon Oceanic Aquarium in the DFW, TX area if I can sell it before Thursday, if not I'll most likely leave it with my parents to continue taking care of it.
If you are interested please email me - gtg651w@mail.gatech.edu
Take has 150-200 lbs of liverock, southdown live sand bed and several filters including two Magnum 350 sumps.
I will not ship filters separately!! Please don't ask.


would prefer someone to take everything. For the live rock by itself $250 most likely. Email me for more details or to haggle etc.


75 Gallon Oceanic with several filters is still available even though it will be Thursday in a manner of minutes and I'm driving back to Georgia.
If you are still interested please go ahead and email me, I've had a lot of interest on the tank so I will try to sell it even if I am not there to help tear it down should a buyer be had.
Please email me for details on what the lot includes as well as pictures and a price on everything.
The tank is home to a fighting conch, a cinnamon clown fish, yellow damsel, and striped damsel all of whom get along very well in a community tank.
The fish are healthy and I would really prefer they all go to the same home if at all possible.
But again, tank is still for sale, I've emailed several people with pictures and info but no one has made a serious offer or taken serious interest so its still up for grabs, and as its my first tank I of course love it but in all honesty it's a very nice tank. Email me for details, thanks!