75 gallon reef TANK DIARY


Calcium Reactor all set up...all i need is to fill the CO2 and then get it running
Korallin C-1502

Monitors....so far just pH and Temp..electronic area will be complete with the wavemaker

Tank Update.....new acros is about it...COPPERBAND died when i was gone to Baltimore aquarium, probably wont try another until a few months...new fish should come tomorrow


the tank is coming along nicely! I cant wait to see it finished


unfortunately the dealer couldnt get the leapord wrasse or the black and white percs!
but heres what we are showcasing

cleaner wrasse is too fast to try and get pics tonight
the other yellow watchman was hiding and so were the hi fins but ill get pics tomorrow!


yep regal angel...they're supposed to be reef safe hopefully he'll be good...the only caution with them is that they might nip at soft corals but i won't have to many sooo


beautiful fish! I have herd they go after inverts, but that is just what i herd.


Havn't Updated in a while so here it goes...........
Full Tank Shot

The Regal-hasnt been picking on any inverts in the tank, and hes been eating like a pig!

Bubble tip Anemone...too bad the clowns died..one even had a little fin and a big one (legit nemo)

The Anemone is already splitting out the back and its only been in the tank for about a week!

Bubble Coral-just received from SWfish.com VERY NICE!



Active Member
Uhhhhhh. scratch that - I see now that the thread was split - it is actually 40 + 38. A total of 78 pages. ouch!


dont worry ive done my research and myp regal has been doing excellent....it took a few days to get him to eat but i started him on red algae sheets which he was eating, then live brine, then tro frozen brine and mysis, and now he eats flakes that the damsels eat!
he hasnt picked on anything because i feed the fish normall 3 times dailey, and the only thing hes been "picking" is the pellets of ORA food off of the sand...
ive had him for about 3 weeks now and he doing fine, no sign of any diseases or anything troubling him, and he even goes up to the pair of cleaner shrimp and gets his mouth cleaned, very interesting to watch