75 Gallon Reef


New Member
I just upsized to a 75 from my old 55. The 55 was up for about a year, and felt that I needed a little more room. Please let me know your thoughts. Alot of the corals aren't open all the way, (like the frogspawn) but I wanted to share.


Well-Known Member

Your tank looks great..I love the color.
I have to comment on the video, I don't mean to be negative. The rock doesn't look very stable...The rock looks fine in the still shot picture, but on the video it looks quit dangerous. You have the right idea on the overhangs, but I just wanted to make sure you don't land up with a rock slide.
Did you lock your pieces into each other?
Just trying to help.


New Member
Originally Posted by Flower

Your tank looks great..I love the color.
I have to comment on the video, I don't mean to be negative. The rock doesn't look very stable...The rock looks fine in the still shot picture, but on the video it looks quit dangerous. You have the right idea on the overhangs, but I just wanted to make sure you don't land up with a rock slide.
Did you lock your pieces into each other?
Just trying to help.
I read your post today when I was at work, I came home to double check, all of the rock is very secure and locked in place. I appreciate the concern, but I put the rock to the "push" test and all is good.