75 Gallon Setup For Sale


New Member
I need to sell my setup. The wife just left me with our newborn son and I travel alot so I don't have the time to put into it and neeed the money to pay for an attorney. I'm looking to sell locally. I live in baltimore maryland.I really don't want to part this out either. The tank is well established and has been running for well over a year. Here's what's included.
75 Gallon glass tank
Light oak stand
Seaclone 100 protein skimmer
Corallife Turbotwist UV Sterilizer
Emporer Penguin HOB Filter
300 watt heater
Maxijet 1200 Power head
Hydor Koralia 2 pump
Nova Extreme T5 48 inch light fixture 4x 54 watt
Single Satelite with 2 65 watt sunpaq lamps
Aproximately 70 lbs of live rock
Aproximately 60 lbs of live sand
Miscelaneous test kits
I'll include all livestock also
1 Blue Tang
1 Yellow Tang
1Yellow Headed Sleeper Goby
2 False percula clowns
1 urchin
1 Fire Cleaner Shrimp
A bunch of Mexican Turbo Snails
A Bunch of hermit crabs
A bunch of Astrea snails
Star Polyps
A Pagoda Cup
Sand Sifting Star
Serpent Starfish
50 gpd RODI filter
I think thats everything. There may be a few miscelaneous items I forgot. Basically everything I have is going
I'd like to get $300 for everything. Leave me you email here if interested or have any questions.


New Member
Hi, I live fairly close to you and am very interested. I would like to take the whole setup off your hands. I could come anytime that is good for you - even tomorrow! Thanks. i can give you my phone number, or me yours, if you like. Talk to you soon! Renee


New Member
Originally Posted by bwelch_12
Hi, I live fairly close to you and am very interested. I would like to take the whole setup off your hands. I could come anytime that is good for you - even tomorrow! Thanks. i can give you my phone number, or me yours, if you like. Talk to you soon! Renee
Sorry - forgot to give my email -- <img src="images/smilies/brickwall.g...h_12@yahoo.com


Sorry to hear about your troubles. Good luck with everything and $300.00 is more than fair for everything. If I was closer I would love to help you out. Good luck with your son kids are great.