New Member
I need to sell my setup. The wife just left me with our newborn son and I travel alot so I don't have the time to put into it and neeed the money to pay for an attorney. I'm looking to sell locally. I live in baltimore maryland.I really don't want to part this out either. The tank is well established and has been running for well over a year. Here's what's included.
75 Gallon glass tank
Light oak stand
Seaclone 100 protein skimmer
Corallife Turbotwist UV Sterilizer
Emporer Penguin HOB Filter
300 watt heater
Maxijet 1200 Power head
Hydor Koralia 2 pump
Nova Extreme T5 48 inch light fixture 4x 54 watt
Single Satelite with 2 65 watt sunpaq lamps
Aproximately 70 lbs of live rock
Aproximately 60 lbs of live sand
Miscelaneous test kits
I'll include all livestock also
1 Blue Tang
1 Yellow Tang
1Yellow Headed Sleeper Goby
2 False percula clowns
1 urchin
1 Fire Cleaner Shrimp
A bunch of Mexican Turbo Snails
A Bunch of hermit crabs
A bunch of Astrea snails
Star Polyps
A Pagoda Cup
Sand Sifting Star
Serpent Starfish
50 gpd RODI filter
I think thats everything. There may be a few miscelaneous items I forgot. Basically everything I have is going
I'd like to get $300 for everything. Leave me you email here if interested or have any questions.
75 Gallon glass tank
Light oak stand
Seaclone 100 protein skimmer
Corallife Turbotwist UV Sterilizer
Emporer Penguin HOB Filter
300 watt heater
Maxijet 1200 Power head
Hydor Koralia 2 pump
Nova Extreme T5 48 inch light fixture 4x 54 watt
Single Satelite with 2 65 watt sunpaq lamps
Aproximately 70 lbs of live rock
Aproximately 60 lbs of live sand
Miscelaneous test kits
I'll include all livestock also
1 Blue Tang
1 Yellow Tang
1Yellow Headed Sleeper Goby
2 False percula clowns
1 urchin
1 Fire Cleaner Shrimp
A bunch of Mexican Turbo Snails
A Bunch of hermit crabs
A bunch of Astrea snails
Star Polyps
A Pagoda Cup
Sand Sifting Star
Serpent Starfish
50 gpd RODI filter
I think thats everything. There may be a few miscelaneous items I forgot. Basically everything I have is going
I'd like to get $300 for everything. Leave me you email here if interested or have any questions.