75 Gallon Setup - Stocking Question.


I had originally planned this as a sea horse tank, however the more I read and the warmer it gets here the more I feel that they would not do well with me until I get more experience keeping fish.
1. 75 Gallon standard tank size.
2. Filtration: 2 350 Penguin HOB filters with bio wheels and chemipure elite and will be adding Skimmer.
3. Currently 25 lbs of dry base rock in the tank.
4. Salt Level at 1.021
1. Maximum number of fish possible for this setup (I was thinking no more than 5-6 based on size)
2. Would it be a waste to use this as a soft coral/LPS coral frag/grow out tank only?
3. What brand of protein skimmer should I consider?


crypt keeper

Active Member
This is your first saltwater tank?
First things first IMO I would get about 40 pounds more live rock. Then grab two powerheads. You have zero flow in that tank. You need way more.
Then, I would switch out the canister filters on the rear for a HOB Overflow that runs into a 30 gallon sump. Place your skimmer, ASM Gx1 IMO is great skimmer, in the sump as well. I had that on my 75. I would then buy a few power heads. Return pump in the sump I would buy a Mag 9.
This is my old tank for a idea.



Nah not my first. I did forget to say I have 2 Koralia #1's going in as well as a power head that can create a whirlpool in a 55 gallon tank blowing from one end to the other.
As for a sump. My experience and budget are limited and most of what I have seen are a bit over my price range for this tank seeing as it appears it will be probably 3-500 dollars for the entire sump setup.
I actually do have something to the effect of an overflow + sump however I have /no/ clue how to set this thing up and it appears to be missing the pump part altogether.
It is called "Aquarium Life Support System" is the name on the sump and I think it might hold 20 gallons at best. Basically it has one large acrylic box with a block sponge, a wall, bio bails, and a box that is completely separate that hangs both in and out of the tank with a pipe that's in the deeper half of the two box part. The motor is missing however and honestly I've NO clue how this thing works since I've never used one.

crypt keeper

Active Member
I would go slow and look at used stuff. IMO a used skimmer on a coral tank is fine. You can get a new pump fo rit and it should work fine. The sump will cost about $80 to build. You can get the plexiglass bought and cut at Home Depot. The glass tops get ri dof them. They wont allow correct gas exchange and hold in heat. Go to Home Depot in the light section and buy that egg crate stuff.
You can build the sump and buy all parts needed for $300 IMO. That will save you a ton of cleaning in the future.
Anyway get more rock. Get the power heads going. Then I would get a qt tank set up.


I mainly use a top to keep the little ones out who want to pet the fish. I actually have the box parts of a sump, even the part that hangs in the tank its just missing a motor and that hose that goes from the box in the tank to the box hanging on the back.
How do you actually get those two boxes to even work at pulling out the water to go into a sump? I think that's some sort of gravity feed right? and the pump pushes it from the sump back into the tank.
Also what about using a skimmer in the tank itself? a HOB skimmer?

crypt keeper

Active Member
HOB skimmers arent that great. Depending on how many fish you end up with You may not need one. What about a HOB Fuge? That IMo would work way better. You cant use the egg crate to cove rthe tank so they cant pet the fish.