75 gallon stock list

could anyone tell me what would be some good fish to into my 75 gallon? I want to have a cleaner shrimp. And also a pistol shrimp maybe. and I would like to have a small school of something maybe a group of 3. if anyone could give me any ideas I would really appreciate it. thanks


Clownfish, chromis(schooling), sixline wrasse, blackcap basset, midas blenny, shrimp gobie to pair with your pistol shrimp, royal gramma, cardinalfish, lots of different choices. You have to be careful with aggression though. Some of the fish mentioned above might not get along. The best thing to do would be to list some fish and see what everybody thinks.
so I have been researching a bit and I think have a stocklist coming along nicely (I think) I want to have:
3 Blue Reef Chromis
1 Lawnmower Blenny
1 Royal Gramma or Blackcap Basslet (both if I could)
1 Sixline Wrasse
1 Bangaii Cardinal
2 Cleaner Shrimp (not sure if you can have more than 1 in a tank)
1 Pistol Shrimp
1 Shrimpgoby (not sure which one yet)
and maybe a clown or a mated pair (if there is enough room)
if this is too much or anything seems wrong please feel free to let me know, I don't want to overstock the tank and cause any harm to fish. Thanks in advance


Active Member
i like your stock list, and you can put 2 cleaner shrimp in the same tank. I have 2 in my 20 gallon.
well thanks for the response.... my next question would be is there a specific order that these fish should be put in or does it not matter since they aren't aggressive?


I would not add the royal gramma and the blackcap bassett, chose one or the other.
As far as the order goes I would add the gramma or bassett, sixline wrasse, and the chromis towards the last.
Percula clowns are small you should be able add 2 of them too. You will have to keep up on your water testing and watch for aggression to determine if you can add more fish or not.
Can you give us a little info on your setup besides a 75gal we don't want to set you up for failure? How much live rock, live sand, skimmer, any other filtration, do you plan on using a QT(highly recommended)?


you better throw in a dwarf angel of some kind to be your show fish.
ok lemme think here I have
AquaC Remora protein skimmer
Emperor 400 Bio-Wheel Filter
Approx. 110 lbs Live Rock
Approx. 90 lbs Live Sand
I have 2 powerheads An Aquaclear 50 and 70
Also I have a UV Sterlizer (not sure what kind but if you need to know I will figure it out)
I do use a QT I have a 55 set up already cycled and everything
Also what kind of angel would be safe to have with shrimp? And also would it be ok to have Scarlett hermit crabs in there? I have 10 mexican turbos in there as of now and plan on getting some of the Cerith snails for the sand. But I've heard people saying how hermits sometimes kills snails and things. Thanks


any dwarf angel will be safe with shrimp. scarlet hermit crabs will be fine, but it's possible that they will make a snack out of a cerith or nassarius snail. the mexicans will be safe though. 10 is a lot of mexican turbos for a 75gal tank. they get about the size of a golfball.
will the scarlett hermits clean the sand enough that I wouldn't even need the ceriths? also if I had a jawfish would any of the cleaning crew bother him? and one last question... is it necessary to have a sump and/or refuge to have a reef tank, or would an Emperor 400 Biowheel filter and approx. 110 lbs of live rock. thanks in advance


it depends how many hermits you have. snails are almost always better, imo. i don't think cleanups crews would bother a jawfish, but they need some sand depth. as for a sump or fuge, they improve your chances my letting you have a bigger stock list. they aren't nesassary. i run my 90 on nothing but powerheads and a skimmer. i hate canister filters, so i wouldn't get me started with those.
ok thank you very much for all your answers...now I just have one more question. Are all the fish on my stocklist reef safe? I believe they are but I wasn't 100% sure. thanks again