75 Gallon Stock List


I'm thinking of going with an aggressive tank for my 75 gallon.
The stock list that I'm thinking of is:
Small Puffer
Blue Tang
Green Wolf Eel
Wrasse of some sort
Small Angle
That would probably be about it.
Thoughts? Comments? Thank you!

salt life

Active Member
Im pretty sure a Tang needs more swimming room than a 75g, and depending what type of lion, If it is a Volitan they will outgrow a 75g sooner than later. For the eel, i have a chainlink and spotted moray in my 75g and i would suggest a different type of eel but that is JMO, if you like the wolf eels then that would be fine. Im not sure about the other stuff.


Active Member
My opinion in red
Originally Posted by JThomas0385
I'm thinking of going with an aggressive tank for my 75 gallon.
The stock list that I'm thinking of is:
Small Puffer Sounds Good, I like Valentinini or Blue Spot
Lion Would have to be a Dwarf Lion in a 75, the big guys get too big
Foxface Should be ok
Blue Tang Any Tang is borderline in a 75 longterm, Kole would be better
Green Wolf Eel I might do Snowflake or Zebra....less aggressive
Wrasse of some sort avoid the more aggressive and active wrasses, some beautiful Fairy Wrasses to choose from
Small Angle Can't go wrong with Flame or Coral Beauty
That would probably be about it.
Thoughts? Comments? Thank you!
As far as the CUC, I have had good luck with Zebra Snails, any smaller hermit crab is going to likely be eaten by the puffer.

salt life

Active Member
Not sure about their agression and they will do fine in a 75g. I just think there are better looking eels availible to buy that stay in the same price range. But that is just my opinion, you buy what you like.

salt life

Active Member
Bigger is better ofcourse but a 75g can work, I have a chain link which is a very atractive eel and is fine in a 75g and is not agressive towards my other eel at all which is a spotted moray. But it is your personal preference to what you like, there is nothing wrong with the wolf eel, i just wanted to throw other options out there so you have some choices, IMO snowflakes are overrated in this hobby and yeah they are nice looking but there is nicer.


Active Member
Originally Posted by JThomas0385
What does 25 degree mean?? Are the green wolf eels very aggressive?? Or is a 75 gallon too small for one?

Lol just pointing out that an Angle and an Angel are 2 different things :p