75 gallon stocking list-updated

jonny bolt

Originally Posted by FishFatty
I Dont Have Anything Yet!!! Tell Me What Order I Should Put These Fish In Then Please Granny, Or Anyone Else...
-2 Perc. Clowns
-hippo Tang
-yellow Tang
-copperband Butterfly??? (need To Make Sure This Would Be Okay)
-mandarin (last)
-dwarf Angel
Didnt I answer you in another thread? Along with a few others who offered similar advice??? Its gotta be you, cuz its like the same list of fish.....


2 perc clowns --ok
hippo tang -- compatible but to small tank
copperband butterfly --- compatible but possibly not reef safe if you add corals
dwarf angel -- compatible
Yellow tang--- compatible i think should be one of your last fish
Manderin -- wait a year or more have alot of live rock and hope it eats frozen mysis like mine
I am by no means a expert here just one guys opinion.


Active Member
get the tangs small and u will be fine!
i have a blue, sailfin, 2 percs, and a blue spotted puffer, they all do great! :happyfish