75 Gallon T-5 Lighting Question


Hello everyone, first post here, but I've been reading posts for a long time. I just got a 75 gallon tank, and I am debating between going FOWLR and reef. Lighting may "choose" for me I think. What I got with the tank was this (48") http://amads.us/shop/item.asp?itemid=746 It's a 28w 10k and 28w actinic dual T-5 strip. Could I do any coral with these alone, or perhaps if I added another 2 T-5s of the same type? And if I went with 4 of these bulbs, would I want 3 of the 10k's and the 1 actinic, or 2 and 2, or something else?


Active Member
You could probaly keep mushrooms with those lights but not mush else.
The T5"s everyone talks about are actually T5 high Output or HO which are much brighter than the Normal Output or NO units you have. Reflectors are also important.
If I were you I would keep the light I have and just save up for one of the good T5 fixtures from Tek or Aquactinics.


What kind of total wattage should I be looking for? 200? 300? Money is tight and a lot of the 48" lighting fixtures people talk about here are like $400-$600+.


on a 75 gallon tank if you want T5's you should be getting at least a 6 bulb set up and possibly an eight bulb. I have a 6 bulb on my 55 gallon and a 75 is 6 inches deeper so eight bulbs would probably be ideal. And like said before you want the HO units that are 54W per bulb.
One thing i have learned is dont skimp. If you can't afford the nice unit save your money until you can. Otherwise 6 months down the road you will ditch your cheap unit for a nice one because your $60 coral's are dying because you dont have enough light. So not only are you down the money you spent on the cheap unit your out the the cost of your corals.


Active Member
A decent reflector for a T5 lamp will be a minimum of 2" wide. You will only need or fit 6. Stick with Tek, Ice Cap or ATI reflectors in a retrofit. The Coral Veu ready made retros look OK too.