$75 gallon Tank for sale in VA


New Member
Ok - I've had this reef tank for 4 years - I haven't been able to keep up with it lately due to personal problems and it's fallen apart a bit (algae and *many* nuisance anenomes). It's not really fair to the fish and I feel bad so if someone wants to come take it off my hands that would be great.
It's 75 gallons, 125 lbs. of live rock - includes stand, lights, sump tank, skimmer, heater, jets - 30 gallon QT tank & stand, RO/DI water system, a few fish, hermits, snails, two bubble tips, some mushroom corals, chemical tests, supplements, etc.
I'm at work right now, so I can be more specific later. Make me an offer and we'll see what happens.
Email me directly at mynfel@borrowed-heaven.com


Sounds like a good trip im willing to take. I am definately interested in the Live Rock, i live in Norfolk and can come up this weekend to get it, if the price is right. Heck, ill even help take the system down if you need it! Shoot me an email at jasenhicks@hotmail.com with any price info you can give me.


New Member
OK - if I can, I'd like to sell the whole thing as one piece. Failing that I'll sell just the live rock and fish, etc. and keep the tank for setup at a later time. Now that I'm home I can list more of the specifics.
Here's the breakdown of the hardware:
75 gallon All Glass with built in overflow
Glass tops
4 x 65 PC lights/ballast (JBJ)
wooden oak stand
25 gallon sump
2 heaters
4 pumps (1 is brand new)
4 or 5 powerheads
30 gallon QT tank w/stand
Spectrapure RO/DI system (with 3 brand new unopened cartridges)
various tests/supplements, etc.
Live Stock:
125 lbs. of live rock
2 bubbletips
1 Royal Gramma
1 Coral Beauty
1 Scopas Tang
Snails, Hermits
1 Sea Cucumber
A leather (I think)
Now - I have to warn you that the live rock is *covered* in Majano. I'm just being honest. (I bought some live rock from a guy - didn't realize they were there, wasn't paying attention and *boom*...very sad)
I'd love to get $1000 for this - I know it cost me about $2000 for my initial set up, not counting everything else I've poured into it. So $1000 or BO.
If it doesn't look like that's going to happen, than I'll sell the live rock for $450. $500 if you take the live stock too. I can work out a deal if you want any of the other odds and ends also.
I'm hoping not to have to ship, if possible.


New Member
Hey all - the tank and hardware has been sold (all to a single buyer). He does not want the livestock. $100 and you come and get it - the fish, inverts, soft corals, etc.)


New Member
Let me note in case this was misleading - the live rock has been sold with the tank - the $100 includes the fish, the corals and anything else that's alive in the tank.