75 gallon tank What fish can i put in it


Active Member
No, not that much harder to keep up than freshwater.....once you read up on it and know what you are doing......Just about 5 times the cost! Where one would spend in the hundreds for a nice big freshwater set up with fish one could easily spend many thousands a year on a medium to large saltwater setup plus all the live rock at many hundreds of dollars to fill the tank, live sand, salt, special lighting, hygrometers, multiple test kits, buffers, trace elements, very expensive fish, add a few beginners corals for a few hundred more, protein skimmer, wet/dry filter etc. etc. etc. If you are looking at a 75 go ahead and spend a tad extra and get the 90 gallon as it takes the same space and stand but is maybe 4 inches or so deeper. Oh, now I get it...I re read your post and the LFS guy said it "tang" would be fine in a 75. Yea, he was correct, it will be fine in a 75 when it is only three inches long....until you come back in a year and a half and need to buy a 180 gallon from him!!!


Active Member
I would not consider any tang a beginner fish, personally.
As for the number of fish you can put in, it depends on many factors such as whether they are large predators or small community...how much LR and filtration, and whether it will be a reef tank.
I suspect the store on 290 is Aquarium World?


Well i will be going there soon to check it out and would it be better to buy them online or at a LFS


I went to LFS today and most of the fish they had were a little discolored and some even had white spot like the blue hippo tang on its back what does this mean


Active Member
It can be a variety of diseases, including ick, or lymphocystis.
It is definitely important to select fish carefully, and set up a QT tank for your new purchases.
When buying a fish from the store, inform them of your other fish, your tank size, issues you have been having. Watch the fish for quite a while. Ask for them to feed it. It should eat. It should not be so terrified that it hides all the time. It should have reasonable color and not be picked at. I personally would not buy a fish that has been a the store less than 3 days, as major mortality occurs 24-48 hours after arrival at the store.


I am still new to fresh water but I will tell you from experience that a QT is a good idea. I started without one and got ick and well all my fish died. It was awful. I have enjoyed this hobby (well beside the ick prob.) and I am sure you will as well. People on these message boards are very helpful so ask many questions. Enjoy!


I went to aquarium world this weekend and decided that i would have to buy two tanks a reef tank and a lrf tank the reef tank is going to be a 55 gallon and the other one would prob be a 125 or bigger but i figured i would start with the 55 because it is least expensive and i would put a pair of wild percula a royal gramma and prob a blenny in there and some coral and one anemone would that be a good starting tank and i know i have to wait a while to put the fish and even longer to put the coral and stuff