75 gallon tank

sign guy

Active Member
whoa trick questian. different fish get different sizes depending on the fish it could be 7 or 1

sign guy

Active Member
yeah I guess I was a little off maybe more but again it all depends on the fish. what do you have in mind?


New Member
I dont know i want a community tank, no aggressive fish, clowns and things like that a pretty tank no reefs or anything just fish


Originally Posted by texanboy81
7 is maximum no matter what kind? i have a 20 gallon with four right now in it!!
What kind of fish? 4 small fish such as blue damsels will tear each other up in a 20 gallon. The type of fish matter much more than the size (within reason). A 3 foot snowflake eel would be comfortable in a 55 while 6-3" aggressive fish will fight constantly.


so you are going with fish only and a peaceful community?
You can only have 1 clown unless it is a mated pair, blennies, damsels, anthias, chromis, small tangs (tangs need a long tank for swimming) small angel like coral beauty or flame angel (both easier to take care of and more hardy, but put those as last fish because your water needs to be in great conditions for an angel also for butterflys. DO ALOT of research on the speicies you are picking out.
You could also have a zebra eel (very peaceful) or snowflake eel and a chocolate chip star.
make a wish list with 7 to 10 fish and we will help you.


New Member
i just want a cool looking tank with neat fish i want people to see the tank and say thats awesome
plus i learned from a fish store its better to have nothing on the bottom of the tank except live rock no sand or anything


its all a matter of opinion when it comes to substrate or bare bottom.
in this hobby you are going to find a million people with a million different opinions. TRUST ME.
go to the left of this page under fish and find what you think is cool, make a wish list and then go from there.
you can find some ideas by going to the fish photography page as well. Once you come up with a list, we can tell you if what you pick out works togehter or not.