$75 rule, oops, $79 (question for Beth)


Active Member
Beth, I didn't want you to "close" it as it's definitley making for a good discussion , but it is your choice to do so. If what you said was true, that you DON'T have to have a "min." order, then why does this message come up when I try to order less than $79:
For Live Goods orders a minimum order amount of $79.00 (not including surcharge or fuel charge) must be met in order to complete your purchase. Please continue to add items to your cart in order to reach this amount.

Please explain how I can continue my order if it's not $79 or more. I think this will be a good discussion or at least an education for those of us that don't know. Thanks!


Active Member
I would really like to know how to order just one fish too Beth. If there is a way to do this that will get rid of a lot of problems.


New Member
I am very interested in the possiblity of ordering without the minimum $79, knowing that I will have to pay a hefty shipping fee. I haven't seen that this is possible so if it is please elaborate. I have had the same experience as az; I cannot checkout without getting to $79.
My situation is a little different than most I guess, but cannot be unique. I live 180 miles round trip from reputable fish stores. For me there is not truly a "local" store. So I easily burn $30 dollars in gas, probably another $50 at least to go out and eat that I wouldn't have otherwise done at home, plus three hours on the road. I have a 29 gallon reef, so my bioload is relatively low and I, too, am trying to take it slow which is something that I have learned from this site.
I actually just want a clownfish now(false perc) to add to my tank. If I buy it at the store it will cost $30, here it is $15. With the cost outlined above I could order here and pay an additional $50 shipping and still come out ahead. And even if it cost significantly more with the shipping from here I would gladly do it to save the three hour drive. I have wanted to add the fish for a month now but can't get to the store.
So if buying from this site with less than a $79 order is possible please let me know how. I don't doubt that it can be done if you say it can, I just haven't figured out how to do it yet.
Thanks in advance.


Active Member
I'm glad I'm not the only one that has not figured this out. I was beginning to think it was just because I'm blonde.

Edit: WOW! THAT WAS MY 1,000 POST! :cheer:


Kristin, we are asking you very kindly: Please do not advertise for other stores on this message board.


Staff member
Azfishgal, perhaps you can not now, since you state that experience. However, here is not the place to get answers to that question. As a previous moderator suggested, please contact SWF. At this point, it seems like the topic is designed just for the sake of arguing. It doesn't make sense to me, and probably not to SWF either, that you would order online a $20 fish, and pay $50 for shipping.
All, please contact SWF directly regarding this option if you are genuinely interested in it. The answer is not on the forums.