75 snails in a 55g reef, tell me if it's too much.


I just purchased 50 magarita snails for my 55g, couldn't resist special price once a year. question is if it's too many for my tank since i already have 25 astrea and 5 more mexican and tronches. i also got 6 assorted shrooms and other fish bring it back to Northern California tonight to me. Is it logical to say, the more coral i have the more snails recommended as cleaning crew regardless of fish tank size, please input. thanks.


i don't see a prob with them. your tank should be spotless with all those! :D
your coral count shouldn't really affect the number of snails you have imo.


You're going to have some die-off as they eat through the food supply and achieve a steady-state, but you should be fine with those. If you have hermits, they they have some shells to move up into. :)