
My tank has been ready to go for a while now and im about ready to go ahead and add something that can swim.
Problem is ive grown quite fond of my chubby lil i understand they arent always the kindest of roommates!
Id really like to keep him but would also like to add another small fish...Any suggestions as to what i could put in there that the Damsel might get along with ir that can hold its own without it resulting in a fishy cage match. It seems to be cool with the snails, hermits and urchin but those arent very fishy!
Id really like to add a Yellow Ocellaris Clown, and if i have to remove my damsels big butt i will but id really like to keep him in there.
Any suggestions?


It really depends on what kind of damsel you have! Blue Devils are really territorial and aggresive but most of the others are quite relaxed! Tell us what kind you have annd maybe we can be more helpful!


I have a blue devil and a percula clown in a 10 gal. They get along well now but at first it was a little rough!


Active Member
i have mine in with a true perc and a strawberry pseudochromis. they killed off the rest of the guys


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I have two damsels and the agressive black one with neon blue stripes chases the other damsel but does not bother my six line wrasse or my little flame angel. Lesley


Active Member
I forgot to mention that I have read in several places that if you have a territorial fish in an existing tank it can be a good idea to completely re-arrange the rock work so that the existing fish is less territorial over the tank areas. If he has been alone for a while he may think the whole tank with the rock work as completely his and may try to defend it and chase the intruding new fish away.
Good luck, Lesley