75g Fish order of entry?


FOWLR Fish order of entry?

I have a FOWLR 75 g tank that has cycled for 4 weeks - I have about 45 lbs of live rock to allow room for swimming. Readings are good and I'm ready to introduce fish. Here is my wish list.
2 Perc Clowns
1 Powder Blue or Regal or Naso Tang (any suggestions on which would work best?)
1 Porcupine Puffer
1 Picasso Trigger
Wanted to know:
1. Order to introduce them?
2. How long to wait between the introductions?
Thanks for any suggestions.


Active Member
Since you have not bought them yet...nor quarentined them. my opinion is that you have too much fish load planned for the 75g. With 45lbs of Live rock, there is no more than65g's of water in tank. If you use the 3-4 gallons per inch rule, you can put about 16-20 inches of adult fish size in a 75. Also all of the tangs you have choosen need a larger tank due to there free swimming needs, at least 6 feet. If not they will stress and get ick. You can probably get away with a kole tang or yellow tang but thats about it. My suggestion w/b....Always put the percs in first. Since it's new tank I would wait at least 2 weeks in between additional fish. Next in my book w/b the kole tang and then a trigger( 1 trigger not 2 who will outgrow the tank and have to be moved eventually0.
Although I'm not personally excited about your selections for a 4 foot tank, you should be able to get away with the above suggestions for a while. Good luck.


Thanks for the suggestion. I know triggers can be fairly aggressive, but I've read that Picasso's are the least aggressive of the triggers. Am I OK to put the Picasso with your suggestions? I just really like the look of it and would love to have one.


Also, if a Tang is definitely not going to fit in a 75g, could I replace that idea with some sort of Angel or Butterfly? I want as much color as possible, but also must have them get along.
Any suggestions there. Thanks.