75g SPS and softies - what sea swirl(s)?


My 75 has been up for a few months now, and I am planing to get rid of my in tank power heads. I have a built in overflow with a 1" bulkhead.
What do you think my options are? How many sea swirls should I run? What size? What return pump (needs to pump about 4 feet up from the sump) should I use? Is my bulkhead large enough to run the sea swirl(s) off the return pump alone? Or do I need to install a closed loop?


Active Member
hey nice, wih a 75 i would either use a mag 9 or 12...
this is what i will be doing with my 65.....i am going to run a mag 9 externally from my sumps 1 inch bulkhead to my mag 9 3/4 inch inlet using vinyl tubing and clamps, then i am going to come out of my mag 9's 1/2 inch outlet and tee it off, again all with vinyl tubing, and i will have one of the lines from the tee go ta a 1/2 inch sea swirl, and the other line from the tee go to the return line that came with the reef ready setup. this way i have one oscillationg current and one static current and when they interact in the tank, they will cause a nice current an upwelling, eliminating all dead spots in the tank, and any need for extra powerheads...
i think the mag 9 would be a good choice because it pump a full 950 gph at like 3-4 feet of head if i am correct. so i think it would work for your 75 as well, in fact it used to be the pump that i had as a return pump on my previous 75.
in your case since you dont have the static return line you might still tee the line off and throw two 1/2 inch seaswirls on there and be good to go!
anyhow, good luck


let me make sure I understand ya...
You saying that 950 gph through two 1/2" sea swirls will be enough water movement (475gph per sea swirl) for a 75g?
If so, will that be enough for my SPS?


Active Member
The Mag 9 has that amount of pressure at the pump. At 4ft head it is reduced not sure how much maybe check their web sit. You may want to go with a Mag 12 instead and you could always put a ball valve if it is too much.


Good idea. I think I will go with a Mag 12.
See the other question above... anyone think I will still need to do a closed loop in addition to using the return? Im not so much worried about gph that goes through the sump as I am that I get adequate circulation in the display for SPS


Active Member
My tank is mostly SPS and Clams and I use a MAG 24 from the sump into 2 jets that are pointed at each other on a slight angle so when they collide the water kind of "spatters' in a deifferent directions. It works good for me.


Active Member
yeah nice i think two sea swirls will be more than enough in a 75 for your sps, and like mlm said every time they blow at each other they will disspate water in all directions giving everything a good shot of current!
good luck