75g tank. thinking about a pair of clowns and an anenome


ok, so i'm just starting up my 75g. for lights i have tek light t5's.( i never wrote down what kind of bulbs they were when i put it together cause i was so excited to get everything. there are two white lights, and two actinic 54w each) i have about 40lbs of live rock, and i have a 6line, a lawnmower blenny, and a cleaner shrimp. then i have some assorted crabs and snails.
i have a green sinularis, some pulsing xenia, and some kenya trees that came on some live rock
i'm not sure where i want to go as far as stocking my tank. I've always been partially against clowns, and blue hippo tangs since it seemed that everybody had them. but now i think that that is the way i'm going to go. What other fish go well with clowns?
what type of anenome is best to get if i don't want it to move a whole lot, or how much space should i leave near it?
should i get the anenome or the clowns first?
sorry for the long post, once i finally decide to post something i ramble on and on.
1) Pretty much any fish will go with the less aggressive clown species(Percula, Ocellaris and others that I am not as familiar with).
2) Decide what you want out of your anemone. Like, do you want it to live in your rock work or would you rather it be in your sandbed? As far as movement, they can all move at any time. If you research the one you want and set up a part of the aquarium you want it to reside to match the characteristics it likes then your odds increase on getting it to stay put. As far as space you don't want it touching any corals so you might have to move them once it settles.
3) It really doesn't matter which you get first. Neither one needs the other to survive in our home aquariums. Unless you have some type of predator which you don't have one listed.
How long has your tank been established? What are your water parameters and do they stay constant or do they fluctuate?


well as of right now the tank is about a month old, but i used alot of stuff from a stable 12g nano tank.i just finished the cycle about a week ago, but the params are pretty stable now. i can post them when i get home


well sg is just a touch over 1.025
ammonia, trites, and trates all at 0
temp at 78.5 (stays pretty consistent. 81.2 is the highest i've seen it, and it stays between 78.5 and 79 when the heaters are on)
Looks like you are headed in the right direction. PH and alkalinity are also important with anemones. I would suggest waiting a little while longer and letting your tank mature more just to ensure stability and keep a check on the parameters. Whatever you decide, good luck.


what is good for ph and alk? i think my ph is a tad high at 8.4 and my alk a tad low at 1.7
i've never tested the water that i just mixed, i'll test that this weekend when i do a water change and see if all that is in check.