Originally Posted by
Gill again68 http:///forum/thread/374863/8-gal-biocube/40#post_3323103
Thanks Corey. Its a fun slow moving little project. Not on the scale that most of us are use to but its a cheap way to explore some fun ideas. Cheap as in Saltwater fish / hobby cheap. Not Wal Mart cheap.
Posiden, I will certainly do some reading on those topics. I am not opposed to changing my materials. Thats why I think that doing some of this stuff and testing it ourselves will lead us to some real answers of our own. I agree that I dont want to stack any real weight on those rocks and depend on them. Thats why I didnt use them in my DT. I think at some point I will have a DT that is 100% man made LR. I may make some more LR with those materials you mentioned above. Then see what it produces. I can tell you that some of the stuff I made in the beginning was pretty tuff. I wonder if it would break down in my lifetime? Anyway I think it would be a cool way to move forward in this hobby and not take from the ocean. Plus its cheaper and that dont hurt my feelings. Plus its 100% customizable so that you get the chance to design it starting with the LR. I mean that seems promising. Thats my save the whales moment. Now on to hug a tree and save a spotted owl.
That's funny. You know, there was a dirty jobs episode where. Mike made structures to help rebuild the reefs. It was cool to see them stack the rock, sand, shells, and what not in the mold.
It would be nice if you would get busy testing then. I would like it very much if I didn't have to buy LR again. I do however agree with the stress on the reefs, and I try to buy only aqua cultured coral and fish. Sometimes I can't help it and I buy anyway.