8 Month Tank Pics


Wow, time flies when I'm havin so much fun with my reef tank. Thanks to everyone on swf for guiding me through the process. I just started doing sps and you will notice the frags are just starting to grow...the caps and montis are growing hella fast...the birds nest is taking its it time. As always, I would greatly appreciate your comments and feedback.
Enjoy! :happy:
p.s. The toadstool is retracted because i cut the stalk due to overshadowing issues. It's still there...just shorter :happy:



Originally Posted by dreuster
Hey Druluv,
I'm using 250W HQI Double Ended 14k Metal Halide Pendant.


My tank is kinda ghetto simplistic style for a man on a budget.
1. Refugium - My refugium is a simple hang on the back style, packed with caulerpa algae and halemeda. I don't trust my piping skills to do overflows. I wouldn't be able to sleep or leave for work with confidence.
2. Protein Skimmer - Aqua C Remora - It ROCKS. (Ask Beth and Tizzo
3. Stand and Canopy was DYI with wood from Home Depot.
4. Moonlights were DYI from Radio Shack. (I'll post a pic of it after work)
5. Live Rock - Bought two 50lb boxes for about 3 dollars per lb., then gradually added cool surface rocks if I came accross one at the LFS. By cool i mean those ones with crazy nooks and holes and warping shapes.
6. My clean up crew is on the low side: 5 Turbos, 3 astreas, 1 cleaner shrimp, 1 emerald, 1 queen conch, 1 fromia star.
7. My fish load is heavy: School of 5 damsels, 1 hippo tang (1 inch), 1 yellow tang (2 inch), 1 Six Line Wrasse, 1 lawnmower blenny, 1 clownfish. My most aggressive fish is the wrasse...he picks on the poor clownfish. However, in terms of space, i think it works out well because damsels shoal on the top, blenny and clown are more stationary on the bottom, and the tangs swim perpetually in the middle grazing...it's a good even distribution.
8. I alternate drip alk and calcium as water evaporates with a ghetto 1 gallon jug with a hole pierced on the cap of it. Flipped it upside down on top of the Fuge and chill.
I feel like my coral and fish load is at its max so I'm just gonna chill and let things flourish until I upgrade. The depth of my tank is ridiculously narrow (14 inches). How can I work with that!!!? Lesson learned, the Z axis is very IMPORTANT. I'm even thinkin about getting a CUBE for my next tank.


could you please
tell me about the diy moonlights from radio shack I would love to know how you did that.
thanks. oh, and by the way really nice tank, especially for 8 months


Active Member
Originally Posted by dreuster
Not sure of the gallonage but I its 48"(L) X 14"(D) X 27"(H).
Take the LxDxW= divide by 231? = about 78 gallons. Awesome tank, I got the formula on here somewhere. Ha!


Misslaina, there is a very comprehensive thread on DYI Moonlights on this site. You can do a search for moonlights and the thread should come up.
Thanks for the gallon calculation hot883!