9 hours?


New Member
Is nine hours a day for my light to be on too much , I still get brown algea so I am guessing its too long?


I don't know that it is Too much, but obviously you can cut the algae growth down by cutting down hours of light.
I don't have corals so the light isn't as important, but many days I'll leave my lights off all day until I get home from work around 4 or 5 and turn them off around 9 or 10.
There is plenty of natural light in the room that the lights only make the tank look nicer and if no one's home to see it, you might as well save the electricity.
If you have corals I would assume you could still easily cut down from 10 hours a day.


I keep my lights on for 12 hours and have very little algae. Either your tank if fairly new under 6 months or you have high nitates and phosphates from your bioload and need to do more water changes or you are putting nutrients into your tank from tap water.


Active Member
What kind of lights. The bulbs may be worn out and need to be replaced. If the bulbs are worn they will not have the correct color spectrum and will increase algea growth.
What are your nitrate and phosphate readings? If your alk is low this too will increase algea.
What kind/type of cleanup crew do you have. Have you already gone through a diatom bloom? Your tanik is still young and this may be the cause.
Bottom line there is a million different reasons for algea growth. I would start with water quaility first.