90 G tank for sale at a LFS..is it worth it?


the local Petland is going out of biz, and has a 90G display tank for sale. it was setup by their "fish manager". has 150 pounds of LR, not sure how much LS, protien skimmer, UV sterilizer, 2 percula CF, anenome(not sure what kind), some specialty-made lighting system(extremly bright blue when on), a open-brain coral (quite big actually) and some other corals im not 100% sure what they are and 2 firefish gobys. its going for 1,750. if i could get the money, would this be worth it?


Lets break it down. This is what I would call a good deal
90g tank with stand ~ $400
The lights are probably MH's with T5 suppliments ~ $350
150 pounds LR ~ $200
Protein Skimmer ~$200 (really depends on what brand)
UV Sterilizer ~ no value to me
2 Percula's ~ $80
Anemone ~ $100 (only if it's a carpet, otherwise no value to me as well)
Corals ~ $130 (really have to see a pic though)
Firefish ~ $20
Add it up and you're looking at $1480
So...I would pass unless you could get it around there. But the real question is...do YOU think it's worth it. Because honestly, you're buying it for yourself.


This is just my opinion and doesn't really have much to do with the tank itself, but I am loathe to support Petland in any way. They get their animals from reprehensible sources and I wouldn't choose to give my money even to one that was going out of business.
That being said, $1,750 for a 90g sounds comparable to what you'd pay to set it up yourself, though it would already be a done deal. I'd also research the coral and anemone that are in there and make sure, if any of them require special attentions (feeding, light conditions, etc etc), you're willing to commit to doing them.


I think you could get a better deal than that on CL if you keep on the lookout. In this economy many people are getting out of the hobby unfortunately.


well i did tell them that if they dont sell it(which i doubt they will since i would think that it would have been on of the first things to go once they priced it) i would buy the skimmer and some of the rock. and i will try and get a pic of the tank today.


Active Member
I would also state that my local Petland has had ich many times so I would aslo be concerned with their water if they have had similar issues in the past.


i bought my 95 wavefront in excellent shape with 30g sump, 4x65 PCs, skimmer, 150lbs LR, 100LBs LS, return pump etc etc established for 3+ years for $500 on CL.


Originally Posted by swimmer4uus
150 pounds LR ~ $200
Seriously? $1.33/lb? I must have really gotten ripped off. SWF's sale price is $200 for 50lbs of Fiji. I know I payed a lot more then $1750 for my 90G setup. I probably did get ripped off quite a bit, but this doesn't look like a bad deal to me.


Well-Known Member

Originally Posted by swimmer4uus
Lets break it down. This is what I would call a good deal
90g tank with stand ~ $400
The lights are probably MH's with T5 suppliments ~ $350
150 pounds LR ~ $200
Protein Skimmer ~$200 (really depends on what brand)
UV Sterilizer ~ no value to me
2 Percula's ~ $80
Anemone ~ $100 (only if it's a carpet, otherwise no value to me as well)
Corals ~ $130 (really have to see a pic though)
Firefish ~ $20
Add it up and you're looking at $1480
So...I would pass unless you could get it around there. But the real question is...do YOU think it's worth it. Because honestly, you're buying it for yourself.

I kind of agree but where in the world can you get MH lights with T5s for $350.00??? I paid close to $400.00 for 4X 50/50 PC lights.
I paid almost $1000.00 for 2 X 175 MH with 96w actinic retrofit
for my 90g...with that in mind the price is about right, are there better deals, yes. A used system is a used system. That is the ASKING price...Offer him a few hundred less say $1200.00 cash and negotiate from there. The longer you wait the sweeter the deal, but you risk the possibility of someone else taking it.
The skimmer cost $250.00 new and Fiji rock is $10.00 to $7.00 per pound. I don’t think it’s a bad deal.