90 gal at 9 Months


what kind of lighting do u have and what is the watts. How much live rock do u have also. I have a 90 gallon and im getting ready to get lots of live rock and my reef lighting so i was just wondering.


Active Member
WOW, welcome to the board, and the tank is very beautiful! The photos are great as well, and I sincerely hope you plan on posting more at our site in the future......What kind of camera? Give us the setup details on that beauty. For only 9 months in the hobby....that is a quite stunning tank. I personally love coco worms.....how long you had it? The tube anemone shot should have been in our photo contest awhile back.......beautiful coloration and photo quality.....


Wow thanks for all the comments:
DfishH - The anthis are great fish I have 4 in the tank and they are doing great. I have read about the need for multiple feedings but I only feed once daily. I am afraid of the quality going down if I do more. So far they are doing great.
Civickid - I have 4 96W PC's. If I had my choice I would have went for a MH system, but I really do not want to deal with a chillier. As for the live rock the tank has 120 lbs so far. I would like at add some more, as you see it only goes up about 3/4 to the water level. I also want to and some ledge areas to place some more coral.
cjr529- # 2 Is a tube anemone. Its been in the tank for 3-4 months and is doing great. #3 is a bicolor coco worm, love it Its been in the tank for 2 months.
kipass4130 - alk-ca - what a learning experience that has been. Early on I had a low pH problem. Just kept dumping in buffer to fix it. pH never went up drove me crazy. At the time I was dosing with Kalk and not checking alk-ca levels. Then found a great article about the relationship between alk and ca. After doing some more research started testing and alk was off the chart high and ca was low. Then changed to B-ionic balanced the two and now both are fine and pH is around 8.0 - 8.2.
Sammystringray - Thanks for the comments. I use a Canon G2. Been into photography for many years but just started to play with digital. The G2 is great, but is taking a little getting use to as compared to my wife's Nikon F5. I think the F5 is the best "point and shoot" camera ever made, but digital has come a long way.
Thanks again everyone.

melissa v.


Originally posted by fda483
First photo post, I think it is looking good for 9 months in the hobby. Any suggestions?

Suggestions?........ i have a suggestion, i think you should send me all your coral:D
looks great!!!!!!!!
Melissa V.