90 gal dream tank


I am looking to start up a 90 gal aggressive, what would you guys reccommend?? I personally like lions, triggers, or puffers but am not sure what will go well together in a 90.


Active Member
You need to decide whether you like lions or triggers because the two cannot co-exist (with the exception of maybe a niger or blue throat with a lion).
Puffers, lions or triggers, wrasses, groupers, eels will do well in an aggressive set-up.


Tell me what you think
1-Dogface puffer
1-Bluethroat trigger
1-Goldentail moray
1-Blonde Naso
1-Volitan Lion
Would that work in my 90???


Active Member
Yeah, the only problem is that the naso will outgrow it and need a little more swimming room eventually.


Those fish wont do so well in a 90 if they live their lives out in there, and no lion with a puffer/trigger. They dont do too well together, unless u wanna risk it. Just warning u...u might wake up with a torn up lion. But, if you got a 125 for example, you could get all of those fish no prob (except for the lion) and eventually would have to get rid of the trigger anyway cuz they need a good deal of swim space.


Active Member
Oh, I apologize. I didn't see the lion on there. That is a pretty large load of fish. You will eventually need to upgrade in a few years. However, all should get along peacefully. I have kept puffers and volitan lions together with no problems whatsoever.


I'm definately going to do the dogface, i absolutely love their presence; and I definatelt want to do some sort of eel. I'm just afraid that if I just do those two, the rest of my tank would feel empty. I'm kinda throwing the lion trigger and tang in there as fillers so if they won't do well because of tank size or they won't get along, ill just do without. I guess my real question is what would do well with a larger dogface and an eel(undecided on what type of eel really)
Sorry to be so bothersome and indecisive, I'm just in the planning stages right now. I've had the tank for a while, but its been a haven for my south american cichlids and i'm looking to convert to salt.


If it were me I would go with a combo of either:
triggers, eels, tangs, harlequin tusk, and angels
sharks, eels, lions, harlequin tusk, and tangs
A 90 limits your sharks, however, as only a coral or marble cat shark would remain small enough (avg of 40-50cm). Still smallish for a shark, but published sources specify a 70 is adequate for these particular species.
A puffer would also work in the first group, I just don't like puffers that much. Remember, no puffers, triggers, or angels with sharks, and no lions with triggers, generally speaking of course.


thats tough, my fish store had a 5 foot green morey a 15 inch puffer and a 2and a half foot shark in a 300 and something gallon tank well the shark killed the puffer. then they put in a 16 inch bumble bee grouper the shark almost killed that he basically destroyed it 3 months later and he can finally swim again I guess he is going to make it, then he started going after the eel ate almost his whole tail they sold the eel and the shark stands alone now for sale if anyone wants a agressive shark let me know. be really careful about what you get keep up the research and dont buy on impulse and the fishys should be alright.


How bout u swap out the volitan with a russels cuz they stay smaller, and dont get a trigger. Get a nice tang, and instead of the trigger, how about a tusk? 5 fish is more than enough for yer biolad, especially eaters like those


Active Member
Thats cool to hear that you frequent my store of occupation, floorguy.

The shark is still looking for a good home.
That tank is closer to a 400 gallon, btw. It's like 390, I believe.


Active Member
Ryan... you have probably seen me there or dealt with me. I am there everyday except Friday and Saturday.
Nice to meet you :)


I have a 90 FO agressive with the same fish your speaking off:
1. Humma - trigger
2. Niger - trigger
3. Blue Spot Puffer
4. Dwarf Lion
5. Yellow Tang
6. Snow Flake Eel
7. Maroon Clown
8. Hawk
9. Lunar Wrasse
It's been up and running with all these fish for over a year. Lunar wrasse was added about 6 months ago and took a beating but is fine now.
Everyone will say you can't do it but it is possible. I have not lost a fish yet. Not saying I never will but over 1 and half years with these guys so far.


Active Member
Sweet lookin tank, interj. However, on somethings you have been extremely lucky (humu humu not attacking the lion, etc.) Not everyone can stock like that and think that they will be as lucky. I hope your luck continues to be as good though!


I'm sure there is luck involved, healthy fish with decent personalities helps.
My biggest point is that everyone should understand and research as much as possible but they can still try out different things. Just know what your risking and monitor closely.
If I followed the "rules" I would probably have half the fish and would have been bored with my tank. This combo has been great for activity, color and personality.


Active Member

Originally posted by interj
My biggest point is that everyone should understand and research as much as possible but they can still try out different things. Just know what your risking and monitor closely.



New Member
interj, what are you using for filtration, skimming. Do you have a refugium or a sump?