90 gal FOWLR



Does anyone have a stock list for their 90 gallon FOWLR they would like to share?


Active Member
I have a 90gal. right now, that's set up. Temp. home to the fish from my 200gal.
My stock list, once everything is said and done with is gonna be:
6 - 8 Splendid Garden Eels (Gorgasia preclara)
2 Rouge Waspfish (Amblyapistus taenionotus)
2 Hawaiian Leaf Fish (Taenianotus triacanthus)


Sounds pretty tough in there lol. can't have much for clean-up in there i bet. what kind of filtration do you use?


Active Member
Originally Posted by NEreef
Sounds pretty tough in there lol. can't have much for clean-up in there i bet. what kind of filtration do you use?
Snails, hermits and stars will be alright...no shrimp though.
Filtration will be hooked into my 200gal. system. It'll consist of a 150gal. Rubbermaid sump, 300gal. Rubbermaid refugium with a dual injected MRC MR-3 skimmer...and possibly a 150gal. Rubbermaid holding/grow out tank, tied in.


that's a lot of tubs! good idea to hook systems together. keeps things constant. sounds like you know your stuff!


i dont have a tank yet, not enough cash lol but my friend has has a 90 with a manderin, powder blue, 2 clownfish, 3 chromis, flame angle, a couple of crabs and a cleaner shrimp,
and his tank is nice and really healthy

blue oasis

Good morning, here is a list of our residents in a 90 gal.
5 - Green Chromes
2 - True Percula Clowns (Trying to mate them)
1- Yellow Tang
1- Purple Tang
1- Long Nose Hawk
1- Marine Beta
1- Snow Flake eel
1- Flame Angel
2- Scallops
1- Clam
1- Blue Star fish
1- Purple Lobster
And many corals, snails, hermits & crabs
N & G