90 gal tank


I want to start a 90 gal tank. My question is they have the basic tank and the one with the holes drilled in for the sump. the differance in price is $100 dollars is it worth paying the extra money for the "saltwater" tank or get the basic one.I now have had a 55 gal for 15 years and use canister filters to do the job with out any problems.I have fish only but would like reef and fish.I thought I would be able to use the filters in the bigger tank to try and keep the cost down.They are 2-404 FLUVALS,1-300 penquin,and a protien skimmer. Thanks for any help.


In the few weeks since I "upgraded" to a bigger tank with built in overflow and added a sump+refugium, my hair algae problem has all but disappeared, a have beautiful new corraline growth all over my LR, and nitrates dropped to zero. Not to mention that it looks so much better with all the equipment hidden in the stand.
I say go for it!


The refugium is a 20gal aquarium, and I built the seperate 5-sided acrylic-lined sump box in a moment of DIY insanity.
I have info and a schematic here.
Feel free to get in touch if you have any questions- I went through a fair amount of trial and error getting this setup.