90 Gallon Aggressive Build - Need Feedback


Let me know what you guys think.
90 Gallon
Volatian Lion
Blue Throat Trigger
Picasso Trigger
Lunar Wrasse
Snowflake Eeel
Maroon Clown
Yellow Tang

crypt keeper

Active Member
Im going to say no to the Picasso and no to the wrasse. The trigger will become aggresive towards the lion. The blue throat is hit or miss. They are more docile than most triggers. The wrasse really needs a long tank. They are big time swimmers. The Maroon clown will become female and get huge and be a problem. They do better in pairs anyway.
Lion will eat any fish it think it can. I would add him as small possible.


Thanks Crypt Keeper. I might try the wrasse anyway, as I love it.

What are your thoughts on bio-load? Could it safely support additional livestock?


120 Lbs live rock
CPR Dual Pack skimmer - modded for both venturi and air diffuser
Cascade Canister filter
Water movement:
Koralis Hydro 4
Maxijet Powerhead


Active Member
Definitely skip the wrasse like crypt said. Just too much fish for a 90. I'm sure we all wouldn't mind having a black-tip shark or two, but none of us have tank's appropriate for one and therefore don't keep them.
That and decide on either the Lion or Picasso. Trimming two fish should get the bioload correct for your lower then typical filtration.


Originally Posted by AquaKnight
Definitely skip the wrasse like crypt said. Just too much fish for a 90. I'm sure we all wouldn't mind having a black-tip shark or two, but none of us have tank's appropriate for one and therefore don't keep them.
That and decide on either the Lion or Picasso. Trimming two fish should get the bioload correct for your lower then typical filtration.
Interesting... A trusted LFS keeps Lunar Wrasses in 55 gallons. Granted they are not full size, but they are healthy.
My filtration has proven to be extremely efficient. The mods on the skimmer really help, and water parameters are stable. I only paid $550 for the entire setup, so I am not going to drop hundreds on a sump and higher end skimmer. Considering the fact people are selling entire 200 gallon reef systems around here for $1000, it is just going to have to suffice.


Active Member
There's no way a 90g will be able to support that.
There's also some major incompatibility issues there.


Originally Posted by Cranberry
There's no way a 90g will be able to support that.
There's also some major incompatibility issues there.
This 2 liner didn't add any value to the discussion.
I am of the oppinion that my initial list would work just fine in a 90 gallon. At least for a while, and especially if all the specimens were not fully grown. I know it would.
I am looking for feedback more on an optimum list, something that will work longer term. As far as compatibility problems, the only issue raised is potential Piccaso trigger aggresion toward the lion. Are you referring to something else?


Active Member
Okay I am going to give some constructive criticism here. Please do not think I am flaming you, okay?
When you come on here and ask people what they think of a particular stocklist and equipment and they find some problematic issues, it is kind of contrary to disagree because you wouldn't have asked in the first place, if you were sure it would work. We are simply trying to save you money, time, and frustration...
That being said, I think that you should definitely tweak your stocklist a bit. Like maybe instead of a volitan, get a smaller lion, and if you are set on the lunare, skip the trigger. This is a stocklist suitable for more like a 150 gallon honestly. Lunare wrasses get very large and can be very aggressive later on.
As for filtration, dont spend a bunch of money. Invest in one good skimmer for now and then later on as your bioload increases, definitely add a DIY sump. You are not going to add all these fish at once anyway, so you have some time. Defnitely take this one slow and allow the bioload to increase safely.
And remember, pictures make this all better and more fun!! So please share once you get it up and running!!!


The feedback from this thread has been good. My point is, if you are going to reply, do so with some substance.
I will mod my stock list to something around the following:
Volation Lion
Blue Throat Trigger
Lunar Wrasse
Yellow Tang
Maroon Clown
Snowflake Eel
Next question, what would be the best type of filtration for a heavy stock FOWLR setup? Live rock, with high-end skimmer in sump? Would anything else be needed?


Active Member
I think your stocklist looks a lot better. I would still say go for a smaller lion but if your filtration is up to par and you are really set on a volitan, you might be able to squeeze him in. Keep in mind though that a volitan can easily get to 12 inches in diameter.....And....since he is that big, your clown might begin to look like food.