90 gallon and Stuff


My buddy is trying to sell his 90 Gallon , Oak stand and top. He even has some corner oak peices he made. Wet dry, lights (compacts day and atinic) Canister, protein skimmer 200lbs LRand and a few corals sand and Gobies and percula clowns. Any one interested. $2,000 Make an offer I wil discuss. He will not ship. WI in Heartland.


Active Member
Hate to break it to your buddy but the going rate for a 90 gallon with lights is at the most around $500.00 and that is if you are lucky. Sorry to be the bringer of bad news.


I know that is the norm for a tank but as in my first post it goes into detail for everything not just the tank. He felt that with the rocks and everything he could get $2,000. What would any one here pay for his setup.


Good luck with with $1,000. I bought a 125 gal w built in wet dry in the dual overflows, stand/canopy, a berlin skimmer, 100 pounds of LR 140 pound of LS. It also came w/ dual 175 watt MH and 4 96 watt pc. I paid $500. So i think you have a long way to before you get any takers. Sorry