90 gallon reef tank for sale...Cape Cod

sea coral

New Member
I have a 90 Gallon reef tank I wish to sell...make an offer. 90 pounds of rock, metal halide lights, lots of soft and hard corals. pine stand and hood. Protein skimmer..filter and power heads. It's been up and running for two years and doing great with lots of new growth. Healthy and flourishing. Moving and must sell. I live in Orleans on Cape Cod (Lower Cape). Will only sell the entire thing as one package. Have given most fish away...just down to a clown and a couple of green chromis. Perfect for someone starting out that wants lots of living mature rock and corals.


Do you still have this? I can't afford 900, though I dearly wish I could! I live in RI and I will talk to a local LFS guy that might be interested in the tank.
Also anyone else reading this thread in New England want to get together on this? I could put a couple hundred towards this and if we could get 3-4 people we could split it up and each get something we want out of it.
Email me at
or post here.

sea coral

New Member
I am waiting to hear from someone on this tank...if I do not hear from him tonight....I will make this affordable to you. If you are interested in owning this....give me a call at my home tonight (Friday 7/12) (508)255-4079. Please call between 6 and 8pm and ask for Wendie.


Something tells me im going to be in trouble with the wife hehheh :)
I'll call you tonight or tomorrow at somepoint (I may be out tonight)

sea coral

New Member
Hope I catch you before you go out tonight....the guy who showed interest in the tank prior to you just called and is coming for it tonight. Sorry we did not have a chance to make a deal.
Good luck with the hobbie.