90 gallon set up + 20 gallon refuge


New Member

Going strong lost my dotty back to a hitch hiking crab spoted it twice but only sees it molt any tips on catching it it dosnt bother coral though


Well-Known Member
Your welcome. In your pic it looks like u have a yellow tail blue tang. How do u like it?


Well-Known Member
Your welcome but jay's tip sounds like a better option. Just tie a fishing line to it to make it quicker and easier to retrieve.


New Member
Yea the blue hippo is a great addition but very challenging keeping it 100% healthy meaning (parasite Free) with mine we had our ups and downs with ICH and fin rot but it's much healthier now


Well-Known Member
Hmm that's my concern w them. All I hear is ich ich ich! That said my yellow gave me no issues.


Nice looking tank. I have a 90g as well and looking to add a refuge but not sure how. It doesn't look like you tank is drilled for a sump, unless I just can't see it. Would you mind taking a pic of your setup?


New Member
No problem

Simple PVC overflow roughly 1"

This is how the back of tank pluming looks like and over flow With ball valve
the refug three chamber


Nice! I'm not too sure how that overflow works?? Just put te pipe in 1" and if it falls below that then it stops working right? I have an old 3G hex shaped tank I was going to try and turn into a refuge but just little gun shy I guess


I'll check it out. Thanks! Quick question, as I mentioned above, I have an old 3G hex shaped tank I was going to use as my refuge until I really need a 3 chamber sump, but can I put the return pump right next to the sand and cheato algae? Or will it get all jammed up?


New Member
It will suck everything right up and into main display the three section I'll explain 1st section is for intake and protein skimmer and or reactors also if big enough filter media depends on how you craft your own realy 2nd is the refug housing chatto, pods, other Alge or anything u want to keep safe from what might eat it in main display that might keep u from harvesting larg amounts and farming frags if u have good lighting 3rd section is for the return keeping it section of keep things from jamming your pumps that kinda sums it up but keep in mine your sump your way