90 gallon setup for sale in northeast ohio


New Member
I am selling my 90 gallon setup as I am going to be moving soon. The setup is clean and ready to be moved. It includes the following.
Perfecto 90 gallon tank w/ reversible blue/black background
Dark stained stand and canopy
29 gallon sump w/ baffles
900 gph overflow
cap2200 return pump
2x250w MH retro setup installed in canopy
2xActiinic fluorescents
Mag float 125 glass cleaner
Asking price for the complete setup is $525
I also have about 180 lbs of LS I will sell for .50 per lb
I doubt this, but if anyone is in need of an undergravel filter for a 125 or 135 gallon tank, I have one that you can have for free.
I am located in fairlawn, ohio about 30 mins south of cleveland and 10 mins north of akron.


is that a glass or acrylic aquarium? also, what are the dimensions of it? ive been looking for a bigger tank but i dont know if that is big enough or not. if you were willing to sell separate what would you be asking for the lights, sump, and return pump? or if the lights cant be taken out then just the sump and return. but i would still like to know about the tank. thanks!


New Member
the tank is glas and I believe the dimensions are 48x18x24. I may be willing to part if I can get everything sold. I would say around $300 for all the lights, sump, and pump, plus any shipping if necessary.
van I emailed you.


New Member
I can email some pics of the tank sometime soon. I'm not selling the lr, because I am going to use it in my new larger system when I move.