90 gallon stocking?


I have to get a 90 instead of a 120. Can I put my baby clown trigger, baby huma trigger, and baby snowflake eel in this tank? Will it be large enough for them when they get bigger. I don't plan on adding anything else.
Also, should I go for the tank with the built in overflow and build a sump, or should I get a lifegard system?
defintely go with the sump, i dunno i think that it is stretching it, the huma and eel are ok i am just worrying about the clowns attitude. if you get them all small it will work i think


LionFish says.....
Yeah, the sump is the best idea because it is more efficient and powerful enough to take care of a big aggressive tank which contains messy eaters like triggers and eels. I also agree with Dlight that it is best to get them small. It somewhat subsides the territorial disputes between the triggers and allows the eel to grow in the tank with the triggers. But do watch the Clown just to make sure it doesn't attack the other tankmates.