I've got 3 tanks running with hang-on overflows. I did some research before getting one, and I didn't have to look far to find out that most people that own CPR overflows HATE them. The thing with those is that they require you to connect an airline between the siphon channel and a powerhead to maintain flow. Lots of people say that if the power goes out, and the powerhead fails to restart when power is restored... the siphon simply doesn't restart - and then the contents of the sump are pumped upstairs to the tank. Talk about overflow... that'll teach you the true definition of overflow.
A lot of people like the style of overflow box sold at Lifereef. I've got one that is made like theirs. My other two are the really cheapie kind that come with amiracle, aquaclear, etc sumps. Its really basic - but I've never had one fail. They don't require any powerheads or anything. They all come with a sponge prefilter in the back part of the filter box. I'd take that out. It will be a little louder, but there will never be any flow restriction. If you choose to leave it, be sure to rinse it really well about once a week.
I'm using a rio 3100 for the return pump on my 90. Its been running for about 2 years now, so in Rio-years, its a senior citizen. When (not if, but when) it fails I'll be replacing it with either a mag 9.5 or a 12. Mine is a reef, so I'll probably opt for a little higher water flow.
For the 90, I'd shoot for about 700gph flow on the overflow and the return pump. I've got flexible vinyl tubes, and I've got PVC. I can't really tell much difference, but I do get some weird Tim Taylor (argh argh) satisfaction about doing it up right with PVC. But there certainly is nothing wrong with flexible lines.
The sumps with Bio balls are ok. However, since you're putting in liverock (hopefully to the tune of ~1lb/gal) you don't need the bio balls. IF you go that way, keep in mind you'll want to rinse them about once a year. I think you'd be better off with the berlin style sump with a filter sock and a skimmer.
Since you're going with the aggressive tank, you'll probably have some larger messier fish - and therefore elevated nitrates. Consider building a refugium under your tank. Drop in some miracle mud (or a cheaper knock-off) and some macroalgae, and you'll have a killer filtration system.
I hope that helps.