90 Gallon


I just set up my 90 gallon. I got the deal of a lifetime on this sucker. It came with a nice HOB fuge, sump, and it is predrilled w/ custom overflow. The guys ex-wife had this tank for 5 years and had every item you could possibly buy. She had 2 UV sterilizers, protein skimmer, canister filters, and a bunch of stuff I can't identify. I got it home the other night and spent 2 days cleaning it with vinegar. It looks brand new. I only paid 75$ for everything.
I also painted the back dk. blue. It turned out awesome.
It also came with 100 lbs of LR. Most of it Tonga branch. I purchased some Aragonite and cleaned it really good. It wasn't that cloudy when I filled it.

My question is for the fuge. I got it going with some of the aragonite and a few cups of sand from one of my other tanks. I threw in some rubble rock and a handful of chaeto. It didn't have a light so I went to Lowes and bought a 8watt strip flourescent. It looks fine. Will this be sufficient?
Also the metal halide fixture was in bad shape that came with it. It was a Odyssea fixture. I been reading some bad stuff about it. It was encased in salt creep. It took me all day just to get it apart. I ended damaging the glass and plastic covers. There were already a few burnt wires. I just got a 48" Nova Extreme Pro for my 55 gal. I am glad I didn't sell my Orbit PC light yet. It worked fine and I had a little bit of everything growing under them. I will put the PC back on the 55 and put the Pro on the 90. I hope this will be sufficient as well??



I sold my 12 gallon nano and transfered the contents to my 29g and my 55g. Once the 90g cycles I am going to transfer the livestock and LR from my 29g to the 90g. Then going to get rid of my 29 gallon.It is gonna definitely be a reef tank. I want a pair of cinamon clowns or some other clowns. I need to replace the Bangai cardinal that went MIA. And maybe get a cool Tang. I know I do not want a yellow tang. I have a Kole tang in my 55 and he is totally cool. I want one that is mild mannered and stays kinda small like the Kole. I definitely have alot of options. Any suggestions.......


Hows the tank looking? Can you take a pic of your fuge/sump area? I heard that you want your fuge light to be in the 6500K range for good cheato growth. What PH's are you using for flow?


I have a HOB fuge stocked with some rubble, LS, chaeto, graciella, and some culepera. I add pods to the display once a month and a little in the fuge. Once a week or so I use my tongs and toss the macro around to release pods into the tank. I have a mandarin and he is quite happy. I had to redo my light for the fuge. I had a under-cabinet light fixture and it just wasn't promoting the growth for me. I was about 5000K. I just got a small 20" aquarium fixture with a 10,000K bulb and it is doing much better. My sump is just a wet/dry. I alternate phosphate pads and charcoal pads with high loft batting from Wally Worlds craft department. I have a Seaclone 100 in the sump as my protein skimmer. It works fine for now and puts out lots of skimmate. I am having a hard time fitting a larger skimmer under the cabinet and in the sump.
I have to get my son off to school. I will post pics when I return.