90 gl for sale


jr6rules the tank has sold.
Saturday the 19th is a go. My wifes operation get moved to April 1st.
I think the easy way to get direction is to use map quest or one of the online maps. My address is:
3 maple street
East Hampton, CT 06424
Home phone# 860-267-1227


no problem its yours hope i didnt upset you just letting him know if deal doesnt go through i was intrested


Still set for this saturday? I plan on leaving around 8am, I should be there by noon. I am going to bring a tub with a powerhead and a power source for my car so the tang will be safe. When is a good time to give you a call to finalize everything?


Yes still on for saturday. If you want you can call me anytime after 7pm during the week. Is there any chance you could bring someone to help because Iam going to be acclimating some fish and inverts I ordered. I still will be able to help. Its just Iam going to have to watch my tank from draining to much while I drip acclimate the fish and inverts. If you cant bring someone thats ok Iam sure we can work around it. Ive been feeding the tang alot of garlic soaked food to help his immune system from stressing out. He has never had ick and I would have to say he has gone through alot of stress with me setting up my new tank.


I'm bringing my wife and I don't think she'll be able to help carry the tank. I can do the rest of the breakdown on my own, I'll really only need help carrying the tank to the car. The tank is 4 feet long right?


Yea no problem Iam sure we can work it out. The tank is 4ft long. I always soak bay scallops in garlic for my fish. My new tank is a 40 gallon w/30 sump/refugium. I down graded to make life a little easier.