90g DIY stand and canopy ... tonight's update ...

Made MAJOR progress this weekend. The addition of the tank :D and various wood features. I added the canopy openings for the doors, 6 110v 4.5" fans (4 on top and 1 on each side, probably going to add 2 more), molding around the tank (canopy top and stand bottom next weekend), side moldings, and the inner structure of the canopy that is now holding my halides in. Total heigth so far is just over 7 feet. Enjoy the pics...


Active Member
I like it Mike. Make sure the fans aren't to loud. Are they the same ones that you were selling?
Yep, same ones. They are a little loud, but the difference between 2 and 6 wasn't that noticable. It is in a room with a ceiling fan and my 75 has a VERY loud overflow, so with all that, the fans are just "white noise". Add in the TV and barely noticable.
Thanks for the kudos guys !!!


New Member
Yo! That is a sweet setup! I am building a 475 gallon reef out of wood and have yet to post any pictures of it. Your hood has given me some ideas on the construction of my own. Keep up the good work!! ;)