90g FOWLR...Color?


Since I'm going with a 90g FOWLR under a couple of 50/50s, I need some ideas for color without corals. My fish are going to be looking pretty good (Yellow Tang, 2 Perculas, Pink Watchman Goby, Royal Gramma) but I really need something for the rocks.
I was considering some feather dusters, gorgonians, or sponges. Are any of these photosynthetic/incompatible with my inhabitants?
Thanks :happyfish


Active Member
some gorgonians are photosynthetic. actualy, a lot of them are. just look at that before you get one. and all those should be fine with your inhabitants. there are also other htings you can get like a sun coral. needs to be fed often, but all non photosynthetic thigns do.


Active Member
you can have non photosynthetic gorgonians and other corals with that light. realy though, thats a tiny amount of light. and on a 90? it just a deep and wide tank. if you are looking to keep actual corals, then you are going to need a lot more than that.


I'm probably gonna keep away from corals, I'm not up to ponying up $350 for that yet :/
What exactly are the non-photosynthetic ones? The one on this site?
Thanks :)


Active Member
some examples are chili, carnation, sun polyps, those types of things. however, i must warn you, that chili and carnation corals are considered very very difficult to feed and to keep. id do some reseach before getting them. and then there are spounges, christmas tree worms, feather dusters, ect. (stay away from flame scallops. they are very difficult to feed)


I really am not digging the Gorgonians...they seem kinda ugly for the most part.
I think I will stick with some colorful dusters...could I put a starfish in there?


Active Member
you coulddepending on the species and your setup. some eat corals, some need over 100 pounds of live rock to graze on. some MAY get preditory as they get larger.


I plan on getting 100+ lbs. LR so that won't be much of a problem...and I'm pretty sure I don't need to wory about corals.


Active Member
then starfish should be fine. jsut make sure you have a very established tank before hand. most dont do well in anything less.


why not some Zoo's, mushrooms or clove polyps. those are relativly easy to keep and dont require that strong of alight. also Xenias do well too


Active Member
IMO, its a waste of time unless you ahve the lighting. under inadequate lighting, all those wont look too nice, so youll be paying a lot of money for a coral that just wont look nice after a little bit.


Active Member
blue linkias are some of the hardest to keep. that is what i was refering to when i asked how much live rock you have. you need over 100 pounds of mature live rock for them to live. it is unknown what they eat but from research, it is believed to be on the live rock, possibly the bacteria itself which resides there. spot feedings will just postpone the eventual death of malnutrition. they are also very delicate and need exeptional water quality. all stars do, jsut some are more sensitive than others.


Whoa, now I found some 2x250w MHs for only $230...seems like a great deal. It's from aquauniverse. Would that be enough for corals?