90gal if you had your way......


New Member
my tank is done cycling, and ill be adding a clean up crew here shortly. Ive got some ideas on the fish i want to get, but open to suggestions....
90 gal, 50lb lr
If you could do it again, what fish would you stock? (keep in mind, may go to a reef setup once well established)


Active Member
I would beef up on your live rock, and have a dsb.
Then I would probably have a Achilles Tang, a Chevron Tang, a Golden Angel, a Flame Angel and a pair of Ocellaris clowns.


New Member
no, i dont have live sand
i have an aragonite bed... i know most of you will cringe that i didnt do a dsb...but a dsb isnt the only way to go ;)
for filtration im using a 30 gal Ecosystem with 20 lbs of miracle mud and calerpa
i live in the detroit area


Active Member
hey i know a guy who is selling 100 lbs of LR for 175 dollars i think plus shipping...but i believe shipping is cheap...he is actually selling his whole tank and all the corals. All the corals are being shipped for only 10.00 overnight delivery. It's on ----...I'd go check it out if i were u.


Active Member
If I had your 90 and was someday planning on going to a reef tank - I'd select fish that are number one "reef safe" and ones that remain relatively small.
Mated pair of perculas
Royal Gramma
Banggai Cardinal


Active Member
Well in my 90 I have a mated pair of occellaris clowns, a firefish (will add another later) and a watchmen goby and have been very happy. Thinking bout a lawnmower blenny and maybe a mandarin if I ever get a sump/refugium going....

kris m.

New Member
I wouldn't put an expensive Tang in at first, I would put Blue Tang, and a Cole Tang, put some fire goby's, and don't any more until a few months. The suggestion of adding more LR is a good one, but don't add the fish and the LR at the same time, space them out over a few months.


If I could add my first fish all over again, it would be a mated pair of perc. clowns. I got Tomato Clowns, but I like the percs alot better.


i would throw a mated pair of percs, Clown goby, both fire fish, some neon gobies, and a mandarin once the tank is up.
also i would get more lr. I have close to 350-400 lbs in a 135 :) buy in bulk.


New Member
thanks for the pics everyone
im slowly adding to my LR, im up to 65 lbs now and accumulating....
after hearing suggestions, i think ill try...
mated pair percs
yellow tang
royal grandma ;)
flame angel
clean up crew
the remaining bioload is still up for debate :D
thanks again!!


Id get
a Yellow Tang
a pair of False Perc. clowns
a sixline wrasse
a pair of Bangaii cardinals
and maybe a goby or blenny!


Id get
a Yellow Tang
a pair of False Perc. clowns
a sixline wrasse
a pair of Bangaii cardinals
and maybe a goby or blenny!


Clarkii clowns are the most likely to 'bond' with an anemone if you decide to get one later, however, they prefer a carpet, which are very had to keep. Percs also like carpets, but *might* go to a Bulb-Tip Anemone (hardier) or maybe a Long Tentacle- different sites seem to say different things about clowns and host anemones, so I'd ask around here first.
I'm also thinking about a Tang, and from what I've read the Naso seems less Ick prone and generally hardier than the Yellow, but can't say I've had any experience.

sinner's girl

Oww I can have it may way? (one day I'll have a tank of my own...)
A yellow tang and a pair of percula clowns, I think they are both reef safe. as far as creatures go... choc. chip star and scooter blenny,


Active Member
let's see, in my 75, i have koles tang(friendlier, smaller and heartier tan most others), 4 green chromis, pair of perculas, pair of fisrefish, a bengaii, a blue gudgeon goby and a scooter blenny and an algae blenny, if i were to do it over, i might get a convict tang instead of the koles(i like both and i would take either), and instead of the bengaii cardinal, i would get a different fish, because we had 2 and one died and don't want to add another because they will probably fight(pairs are great but don't add one after the other) probably a smaller wrasse, because of the color, AND i would get a royal gramma (they are so coooool) instead of the blue gudgeon, as for the angel or dwarf angels they are more often than not reef safe(only the cb or flame almost all others ARE coral munchers) but have a good chance of being coral munchers(i just don't like the odds), now a 75 and 90 are very close in size, same footprint with a couple more inches in height
and for rock i would get at least 1.5 lbs per gallon, my 75 has 110 lbs give or take 5


fshhub - I like what you have in your tank. I've been planning for my 75 for 3 months now and came up with similar fish. This is what I have for now. It has changed like 4 or 5 times since i started the list.
2 pearl jawfish
2 pink skunk clowns
purple firefish
fairy wrasse ( not sure exactly which one)
Purple tang
Flame angle
orange-spotted sleeper goby
and maybe a lawnmower blenny or red-lib blenny
that could very well change because i decided not to set up the tank for maybe a year. I'm going to set up that 55 that we talked about but need some ideas for that one. it will be semi-reef or fowlr.


Active Member
i wish we had private messages
fishfood, email me fish2day@gmpexpress.net, subject, "re. fishfood", i won't kill it and i will get back to you, maybe even tonight, if you are still on