911 Clownfish!


Damn it, my clownfish is dying and I dont have a hospital tank. Well I tested the water:
SG: 1.023
Sal: 31
Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 0
pH: 7.8-8.0
Temp: 80 degrees
I dont know whats wrong, only changes I did in the morning was take out the other half of my liverock and scrubbed the algae off it. The clownfish looked fine till now. I also bought 2 hermit crabs, 1 coral banded shrimp, and a choc chip starfish. Would these harm the clownfish? Or is there something else?


Your inverts are fine and your clown looks stressed?? 2 questions... How long did you have the clown, and what is he doing (or not doing) that has you worried?


If it were a water issue such as bad parameters or a chemical then the inverts would be the first to go.
It is possible that it is a stress isue from pulling the rock out to scrub it?



Originally posted by Tizzo
Your inverts are fine and your clown looks stressed?? 2 questions... How long did you have the clown, and what is he doing (or not doing) that has you worried?

Laying on the very bottom squirming in the rocks. Had it for 2 months


Perhaps when you pulled the rocks out you destroyed his old territory so he is just poking around?
If his color is not faded or there is something noticable wrong other then his behavior I wouldnt worry all that much.



Originally posted by Sato
Perhaps when you pulled the rocks out you destroyed his old territory so he is just poking around?
If his color is not faded or there is something noticable wrong other then his behavior I wouldnt worry all that much.

Well, its dead now. R I P.:mad:


Wow that's odd. I would think that be moving the rocks around that you could have released toxins into the water, but since you tested for that it seems strange. And clowns are usually really hardy, a lot more hardy than inverts. You have good circulation and surface agitation right??
He's literally laying on the bottum??



Originally posted by Tizzo
Wow that's odd. I would think that be moving the rocks around that you could have released toxins into the water, but since you tested for that it seems strange. And clowns are usually really hardy, a lot more hardy than inverts. You have good circulation and surface agitation right??
He's literally laying on the bottum??

Yeah thats what he's been doing. Yeahs I have a Powersweep Powerhead214 160gph, CPR Bakpak 2 protein skimmer. Surface agitation? meaning what?


Meaning your waters surface is not mirror still. It should be real rippled. Like do you have a powerhead breaking it up or a return from a filter or something making it all agitated?



Originally posted by Binhzino
Surface agitation? meaning what?

Believe Tizzo meant something along the lines of a wave maker.



Originally posted by malounsbury
Believe Tizzo meant something along the lines of a wave maker.

No, a wave maker controls your powerheads. Surface agitation is simply a disrupted surface.


YES, my filtration was kinked off and I lost some surface agitation a week or more ago and just about lost my small clown fish. he is fine now because we caught it right on time. You need to have a powerhead pointed to the surface to upset the top of the water and make it ripple, brings O2 into the tank.....:notsure: also your ph is rather low. going below about 7.9 you could be asking for trouble...increase your ph with minimum being 8.0 but try for 8.2 minimum.



Originally posted by ohiorn67
YES, my filtration was kinked off and I lost some surface agitation a week or more ago and just about lost my small clown fish. he is fine now because we caught it right on time. You need to have a powerhead pointed to the surface to upset the top of the water and make it ripple, brings O2 into the tank.....:notsure: also your ph is rather low. going below about 7.9 you could be asking for trouble...increase your ph with minimum being 8.0 but try for 8.2 minimum.

i have this powerhead
what can i use to raise my pH...


I just purchased a new tank raised clownfish and an anemone. How long does it take for the clownfish to start using the anemone???


First I have maxijet powerheads and love them. I turn one up to the surface for extra oxygen even though my skimmer and my outbar to my filtration are also agitating...just neurotic about making sure enough oxygen in tank....You can raise your ph by just increasing that oxygen flow. Also....I have learned that overfeeding will definitely lower your ph.....slow down on the feeds, this happened to me and my ph barely wanted to stay above 8.0....when I fed less, now up and steady at 8.2. Hope I have helped......here are my spoiled rotten clown fish....


Originally Posted by ohiorn67
First I have maxijet powerheads and love them. I turn one up to the surface for extra oxygen even though my skimmer and my outbar to my filtration are also agitating...just neurotic about making sure enough oxygen in tank....You can raise your ph by just increasing that oxygen flow. Also....I have learned that overfeeding will definitely lower your ph.....slow down on the feeds, this happened to me and my ph barely wanted to stay above 8.0....when I fed less, now up and steady at 8.2. Hope I have helped......here are my spoiled rotten clown fish....
you have an anemone? if so how long did it take for your clownfish to nestle in it?


no anemone, I did not want one, heard they can be too comlicated. I tried a few things but did not take to much but now has decided to pair up with my bubble coral....it hosts it and loves it. Pretty cool.....they will host in many other things given the chance....