911 Lionfish might be in trouble


I dont do this often, in fact I think I only did it like 3 times in my whole life, but I was attempting to feed my puffer fish a crayfish and when I put it in the tank my lionfish just darted across my tank and swallowed the crayfish whole. This never happened before. Is my lionfish going to be okay?


The crayfish was about half the size of my lions body maybe a little smaller. My lionfish is still lazing around, which is normal. He is swmming every now and than, but im still worried because how is he going to digest the shell? He swallowed the whole thing.


expect the lion to eat when it gets hungry again-maybe a day or more-while it digests, otherwise- it will just hang out


lionfish's main diet is shrimp, it is the easieest thing to feed it with all the correct nutrients, a crawfish shell will not be a bother for the lionfish to digest.
as you said its about half the size of the lion, i would not feed the lion for about half a week now, so he can digest it fully.
id imagen he has a HUGE belly now?


Yeah his belly was huge. This was the first time he ever went for a crayfish. I just feed him silverslides and he is satisfied. What do you feed your lionfish?


mine doesnt eat frozen food, he is a picky lil git lol, so mine eats ghost shrimp, when i eventually get him onto frozen i will feed silversides and cockles and mysis shrimp.
everything soaked in garlic too


This is really weird. My lionfish just spit out the crayfish whole and my puffer is eating it. This crayfish was swallowed by my lionfish days ago. Isnt this weird?


Active Member
Originally Posted by splenda21
Yeah his belly was huge. This was the first time he ever went for a crayfish. I just feed him silverslides and he is satisfied. What do you feed your lionfish?
IMO & IME; lions really need a varied diet with added vitamins, like Selcon. Depending on the lion's size (a well fed Volitan grows incredibly fast) I feed raw shrimp, scallops, strips of most any SW fish, chunks of squid, silversides (not often), live culls from a Clownfish breeder and a Betta for Christmas. Mine will also eat whole, defrosted Formula I & II. I soak raw seafood in vitamins .


yeh variety is everything for a lion, and any fish at that matter.
best thing to do, considering you have the time to scoop out leftovers everytime you feed is to offer him about 3 different things at a time.
and yeh, well fed a lion can reach full size in just over a year!
all honesty, if you can get a lion onto frozen then they are a doddle to keep healthy,
get a silverside, chop of the head and scoop out the guts, stick about 4 formula 1 pellets in followed by some selcum powder, and soak that in garlic for 10mins, that is one of the healthiest meals a lion can have!
be careful with feeding live food as a present tho, one day he might take one and then refuse frozen!


yeh cranberrys advice got me where i am today with lions:)
granted mine is still on live food, but i know how to convert, i just need the correct equiptment and stuff:)
when mine is big enough to take a hole silverside i think i could convert him rather easily lol:D


Active Member
Originally Posted by skate020
yeh cranberrys advice got me where i am today with lions:)
granted mine is still on live food, but i know how to convert, i just need the correct equiptment and stuff:)
when mine is big enough to take a hole silverside i think i could convert him rather easily lol:D
IME&IMO: the longer they are on live food, the tougher to wean. There are lots of good foods any size lion can eat; appropriate size pieces of raw shrimp, for example.


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