911: the Road to Tyranny

nm reef

Active Member
Yup...and Huckleberry Finn shot Kennedy!
I'm not a supporter of Republician politics...and I'm certainly no fan of the Bush clan or their corporate gods...but foreign assassins murdered Americans...on our soil...and that is not something to take lightly.


Do you believe everything you see?
That's pretty damn pathetic.
Do you believe everything you see on our controlled media?
I have seen this.
Everything in the video is very well documented and you can find the proof yourself. Alex Jones is Neither Left wing nor Right Wing. I have to say Alex has some great points and don't bash until you watch it (that's just not right). He has over 600 smoking guns that prove faults w/ the governments 911 story. Also do you believe that the new york pick 3 lotto being 911 on 911 of 2002, and the S&P closing at 911.00 on 911 of 2002 and the fact the spain madrid bombing occurred 911 days after 911 on 311 for coincidence? Do you believe that they really found a passport in the WTC from the hijacker when the 8 black boxes were destroyed? There is so much going on behind the scenes right now geared to take away our liberties after the events of 911. We need to open our eyes.


Active Member
No, I do not believe the filtered media. I have read several things concerning this guy, including several things he published himself, so i'm not bashing without hearing him out.
But i also do not believe in assumptions made based on "smoking guns" that do not signify causation. I am apparently one of the few people in this world who still realize the difference between correlation and causation.
Taking facts and presenting only those facts that agree with your story is easy, it's been done since the birth of media. So here's what you do, go read two books, on both sides of the issue.
If you believe that the Pick 3 lottery and the S&P closing at 911.00 is a government conspiracy, have at it. By the way, a few years ago, the pick 3 lotto was 930 on my birthday, 9/30, and I'm not crying foul. But then again, one only has to look at all the predictions of Nostradamus to see how interpretting coincidences can lead to lunacy.
If you believe the government decided to kill thousands of people for their own gain, you should probably pick up and move to another country.


Active Member
After all, when there's a ton of smoking guns on both sides, the truth is probably shot to death somewhere in the smoke. :yes:


Active Member
Well said, MorayM. Some of the wisest words ever muttered:
"Correlation does not equal causation".


Not to mention that Kennedy had a secretary named Lincoln and Lincoln had a secretary named Kennedy....................Coincidence? I think not!
And don't even bring up that whole Roswell thing!:notsure:

tony detroit

Active Member
Money controls this whole country and will eventually lead to its demise.
If you are too blind to see what is going on around us, that scares me. This country isn't going to last much longer at the rate we're going. Give it 40 years or less, it is not too far away at all now.


Very true, since 1913 who controls the money? The Greedy International Bankers! The Federal Reserve is as Federal as Federal Express.


Active Member
There's a difference between being blind to what it going on around you and being halucinogenic and seeing things that aren't there.
If you believe every bad thing that happens in this country is directly related to the government, that is going far beyond "sight", to the opposite extremity of blindness. Yes, money play an important role in the country, hell, it rules the rest of the world too. But that is hardly proof, or anything near proof, that the government orchestrated September 11th. And to imply that thousands of people died so that someone would profit not only pushes the bounds of believability, it dishonors all of those who died that day.


Active Member
And speaking as someone who internally audits defense contractors and amost every major weapons builders, even they gained nothing from 9/11. Even if you believe that economics motivated the attacks, there is no base to stand on. No one gained from it. Most defense contractors and arms manufacturers aren't seeing huge profits from the war on terror, actually they are merely shifting production within their own facilities to domestic defense. They have stopped subcontracts to allied nations and commercial services, and shifted to even more subcontracts for the military. So Michael Moore's little published article concerning the profits defense spending is creating and defense contractors are reaping from war, is bullshit. I'm looking at confidential financial documents every day saying quite the opposite.


Active Member
Well I'm leaving from the office, and I'm not going to read the thread anymore.
But at least I have something to point to when debating with friends the impact the media and popular culture (movies) can have on people. The fact that facts portrayed one-sided in a movie can sway people who i have to presume are otherwise intelligent, shows the power of visuals.
If you want to continue to dishonor my friends who died on Sept 11 with fantasies of government orchestration and secret pacts with Osama, go right ahead, I will no longer stand in your way.
I just wish I had the believabilty (or what some call gullibility) to think the way you do, I think that these hallucinations would make every day's newspaper ten times more exciting. Life must be a constant trip when the conspiracy knob is turned on full volume.
Good day.


I think it's gullible to think that Osama did this himself from a Cave over 10,000 miles away. It's gullible to not question how 4 planes got hijacked that day and why Norad was told to stand down?
If you look at the official report the whitehouse claimed they had never heard of such an idea as to hijack and use airliners as weapons. But apparently Hollywood had heard of it because in an Episode of the "Lone Gunman" on Fox in March of 2001 they used planes to hijack and hit the WTC. The Pentagon had no evidence of a boeing after the crash. They said the heat burned up 60 tons of steel, which has never happened. I think questions should be asked and that is all I am implying. Everyone is entitled to their own World View and I respect everyones opinion.