92 gallon corner for sale complete w/ everything including fish in CT


New Member
92 Gallon All Glass Corner Tank
Complete with, Filter, Protien Skimmer, Live Rock, Lights, Live Sand, Pumps, food, test kits, and FISH!
-all glass 92 gallon bow front corner tank, with black cabinet and black oceanic hood - good condition
- All Glass 36" 110 w power compact with 2 month old smartlamps, All Glass N.O. 24" with actinic blue bulb, 18w 12" Coralife power compacts
- Amiricle Slim Line 250 wet dry filter, Lifeguard mechanicle/chemical filter(can be switched between both) water runst through wet dry and then is pumped throught the lifeguard modules to polish the water on the return.
U.V. Sterilizer
- Lifeguard 9 watt UV with 3 month old bulb plus 1 spare bulb that is 6 months old. this is the last stage of the filtration before entering back into the tank.
Protien Skimmer
-E.T.T.S. Super Reef Devil skimmer in sump with rio 2100 pump.
Water Pump
-Life Guard quite one for the return line, also includes a rio 2100, and a couple of small power heads
Live Rock and Live sand
- Includes aproximatly 50-60 lbs of live rock, and 60 lbs live sand
- 1 MAJESTIC ANGEL Pomacanthus navarchus (6"+), 1 YELLOW TANG Zebrasoma flavescens (4-5"), 1 BLUE HIPPO TANG (5"), 1 MINIATUS Cephalopholis miniatus Grouper (4-5"), 1 PERCULA Amphiprion ocellaris (2-3"), a few snails and blue leg crabs
- Kent Marine Hi-s 35GPD RO/DI water filter, Enough food for about 1 month or more, Salt for 100 gallons of water, all my test Kits, magnets etc. I am getting out of the hobby because of time contraints with newborn children. I will give you everything I have ever used with this tank. This is a real Steal the entire set up cost me well over $3000.
Terms of sale
Must pick up everything as it would be imposible to ship. I would use two minivans with the seats removed (if it were me) I will help load the car and disassemble the tank with you present so you know how it goes back togather. I love this tank and wish I could keep it. It has been up and running since May of 2000 with no major problems. I have never used copper in this tank!
best offer above 1000.00
email for pictures


hey b.armstrong......i will give you a clean $1000 for that set up........however i live in georgia so there would be no way i could take the fish ....but everything else.....hell yes........i will come and pic everything up and transport it myself........ya can email me at
currently.......75 gallon.....100lbs live rock....50 lbs ls.......queen angel(juv)....wet/dry....emperor 400....uv......2...yes (2) royal grammas...they love eachother......mated pair gold coral banded.....5 pepermint shrimp.....scarlet hermits...bleu legs...turbos.....manderin goby......2 yellow tail blue damsels....2 brittle stars......


reason for not wanting fish...i would really hate to see them die during transport......maybe a lfs could take em?


on second thought i suppose they would do alright in my set up till the 92 was cycled....ill take the fish also!!!!!!


what the hellwas i thinking i have a 100 gallon tank sitting in the spare b/r ......i can set it up for temp housing....sheeeeesh


New Member
I will not ship the fish, I am not set up to ship them properly and they would probably die. Also There would be know way to ensure that they are kept at the proper temp not that it is cold in CT. Sorry, but I think you could find fish in FL that are just as nice w/o the risk of killing these ones