95 gallon wave tank stock list


Hi!! I am currently waiting for my cycle to finish, and am constantly here researching fish for my tank. Here is what i have so far:
Filimented flasher wrasse
5 green chromis
2 clown gobies
2 ocellaris clowns (one b&w, one orange)
eibli mimic tang
orange spot goby
I would love a trio of anthias, but don't know if i've got too much here. any suggestions are helpful, and order of stocking?


does anyone have one of those tangs? I would love to see some pictures of them and here about their personality. How are they with corals?


What's your tank measurements? long, wide, tall, etc... I'm looking into a similar size for my display and I'm just trying to find a large enough one that will look good in a medium-large living room.
EDIT: http://a1272.g.akamai.net/7/1272/1121/20040331220444/www.***********.com/images/products/large/p_89370.jpg


It is 48" long, 24" - 18" wide (wave), and 24" deep. It is pretty good sized, I am currently working on the rock work. I want to have a cave set up in the wide end, with a small cave/bridge on the narrower end. I couldn't go any bigger, my husband would kill me!!!


I have a 120g in my med-large living room. The dimensions are 48x24x24 and it looks great. We just had new carpet put in so we put tile under the tank so we wont get any water on the new carpet when we are working on the tank.