95G Wavefront stock ideas


So I set up a 95G wavefront with a 29G sump as a FOWLR tank and I need some ideas for stocking. The fish I am listing are not actually what I plan on putting in there, just a list of possible fish I would like to have. All ideas are welcomed.
Niger trigger (already in there)
Bicolor angel (in QT for a couple weeks)
dwarf lion
puffer (maybe dwarf)
tang (smaller one)
I know the lion should not be put with a puffer/trigger but the niger is going to go when he gets a little bigger. I'm still debating what to do.



well I took everyone's advice and picked up a volitan today. Got a smoking deal and he is already eating frozen!


nice tank, really like your aquascaping.
I suggest a tang, possibly a yellow or a hippo. Some might say your tank could be too small but if not either one would bring a lot of nice color into your tank, and would be real fun to watch swim along the wave


yeah I was thinking about a yellow tang but I don't know if I want any more yellow in the tank with the bicolor angel. maybe something red or orange?


very true, kinda funny i've suggested this in a few threads lately but a flame angel adds some very bright red to a tank, i believe a 90g could possibly house two dwarf angels


yeah I always liked the flame angels but I think they are a little over priced for what they are. That's the only cool red fish I can think of though.
On a side note, my lion is already eating frozen krill after being in the QT for only 2hrs!!!


nice, i've had my volitan for 2months and still on live food -.-
the niger and puffer will pick on the lion most likely, so you are probably only to be able to have for a short period of time,
but then again, a fair amount of the time they get left alone, just chance.
nice tank, hope all goes well


yeah I'm going to keep an eye on the niger but I like the lion more so if anything happens the niger will have to go.
Which puffer would be the least likely to bother the lion? The person that sold me the tank had a dogface and a volitan for 2+ years together.


Out of the puffers I've had, a dogface was the least nippy, so that's probably your best choice with a lion. Definitely not a stars and stripes, porcupine or golden puffer.