96watt PC Balast $65???


New Member
Hey fish people
Ok I know I want to upgrade my lights soon. But there is NO way I can afford the hundreds of dollars to do it. After reading all the posts on this site I could find I think that for my 20gal tank I need around 120watts? So 2x65 watt lights should do.
I found this web site that sells the ballasts already connected to the PC plugs for >$65. What is the catch? It sounds too good to be true? what do the veterans think?


I checked the site you referred to and I cant find the set you are talking about - the closest I found was the 2x36 19" retrofit kit for $75
As far as wanting to upgrade your lights, what is the purpose the lights will be used for? Are you going to be establishing corals in your tank, or is it going to be a fish only tank? Do you have any live rock?
As far as using wattage for a determining factor on lighting requirements, its merely a rule of thumb, different types of light produces different amounts and spectrums even if the wattage is the same, for example a 250 w Metal Halide will out perform a 250w PC setup as far as actual light intensity is concerned.
Finally not to nit pick or be negative, but if you are wanting to upgrade your lights for the sole purpose of starting to have some corals, it may be better to upgrade some of your hardware now rather then spend money on lighting. Corals require excellent water parameters as well as adequate lighting in order to thrive, spending money to replace your UG filter, adding live rock and maybe even replacing the CC with a DSB would be good starting points if that is the direction you want to take your tank.
If you are only wanting a fish only tank, the lighting is really what your preference is, as far as I know there are not any readily available fish in the hobby that have specific light requirements.


New Member
Hey someone else from oregon!!!
Thanks for the great reply!
It's not a retrofit kit per say it's just that balast and they wired the plugs for an additional charge http://www.petsupplyliquidator.com/h...ballast.htm#b1
I would really like to keep anemones not too interested in coral.
Do anemones need as much care as coral?
my tank has only been established for 3 month so I won't be doing anything too soon. I just like planning it all out and thinking about it.
Yes I have live rock uhhh about 10lb and a Clown fish, ohh and I just picked up some assorted Caulerpa
P.S. where in oregon? I'm in Tualatin