-_- I think I have aptaisia.


I actually have two ID requests here.

The one on the left, it's aptaisia, isn't it? If so, how can I get rid of it? Without spending the money I don't have XD I heard that you could make a salt paste substance.... does this work? And yes, I know to use the salt I mixed in my water, not tablesalt XD
I don't know how this could be aptaisia @_@ Like, the tank I got the rock from was completely void of it, and has been set up for several months @_@
The pic on the right.... I have NO clue. The white thing is coming from the brown thing... it retracts and stretches out... it looks like a frayed string. But it's alive, I know it.


Active Member
Those are colonial hydroids to the left And the white "stick" to the right is another hydroid... digita... something (I'm gonna have to look up the spelling of that one.


Active Member
I don't have pics of the digitate but here's some pics of colonial hydroids to compare them to...



I guess I'll wait and see... but it does look alot like that picture ^^
So, hydroids are good, right? Should I do anything to ensure their survival?
And the digitate thingy seems to be doing fairly well. I've moved the rock he's on quite a bit, and he's still just as active as ever.
CRANBERRY! What would we do without you?


Active Member
Some things I'm not sure of... this one I am. That's hydroids. I'm 100% sure of it.
Hydroids sting.... I haven't read on the digitate in awhile... I'm pretty sure that back a whollop. I'll have to go back through my notes on this one.
Here's another old pic that I found on my harddrive... it's not great (hence why it's hidden on my harddrive).

Edit: Remove the digitate for sure... it seems they are indeed quite the meany and can multiple unfavourably.