A bad protein skimmer


I got a seaclone protein skimmer on my 60 gal. tank that my lfs recomend they say that its the best in protein skimmers and now i know that its just a piece of s@#$ that I need to get rid of. So my ? its do you all know a better protein skimmer?
Today I went to another lfs and they told me about the prizm skimmer but i think its not good for my tank also.
I got like a 60 gal. tank,60 pounds of lr,about 3-4"of ls,wet/dry without the bio-media.fluval full of nitrate sponge.uv.
1 tomato clown.! yellow wrasse,2 hermit crabs, another one that looks like spider,5 turbo snails,purple tip anemone.Thank you all for your help.


i don't want to mention names but ets is a good skimmer aquafoamaster is good or remora!basically upwards of two hundred dollars!!


New Member
I have the Prizm Skimmer on my Tank right now and WOW amazing what gunk it takes out of the water.First 2 days yellow more liquid type stuff but now some nasty looking tar colored stuff. :D Never knew what was "in" the water till now.


I'll take your seaclone!!!!! a prizime is a good one ..... but how are you running the seaclone???? is it setup right???? get a bigger powerhead to run it .... that helps too as well as ajusting the air intake into the thing.... get a small T with a control on it to ajust the air flow.... it will help


Staff member
I tried to get the Seaclone working for 8 mos and it never worked! Now, when "modifications" are commonly known and required for a piece of equiptment, that should tell you that it is a piece of junk. However, now that I thru the Seaclone out I am getting ALOT of use out of the powerhead that came with it [the only thing salvagable from the Seaclone purchase.]
I have a prizm and it works but I'm unimpressed. Many hobbyst, including on this BB swear by the prizm. If you will use the search feature on this BB and type in prizm, you will get the lowdown on this skimmer.
BTW: Time to dump the LFS who told you that the Seaclone was the best skimmer....it is totally untrustworthy, cause it is common knowledge in the hobby that the Seaclone is junk. As for Seaclone modifications, I posted the standard "modifications" on this BB some time ago. Again, you can use the search feature to find this info.


I just got the Remora Pro hangon skimmer last week. My tank is 3 1/2wks old. I just plugged it in, no break-in period, no adjusting anything, and I started getting dry foam and disgusting yellowish slime.
It was great. :D
Unfortunately it was over $200 and I believe a prizm is alot cheaper than that. So you have to decide for yourself. But one of the things I've learned is that sometimes more expensive is really less expensive...if you know what I mean.


Berlin classic by RedSea. $149 shipped. Do a search on Yahoo. But I've heard good things about the Prizm. $69.


I second the berlin skimmer if not the best one on the market it gotta be number 2.